Intelligent green ideas to de-ice your driveway

Winter’s not over yet. That means you pretty much still have your work cut out for you when it comes to clearing the driveway of all that snow and ice. Although snow is soft, it can become quite a problem to deal with once it hardens and becomes one big chunk of frozen precipitate. Well, not to worry for here are some simple tips that would help you de-ice that driveway without causing much harm to the environment in the process.


Shovel as soon as it stops snowing

shoveling off the snow from the driveway

After a point of time, snow tends to become quite hard, thus making it more difficult for you to remove it. So consider shoveling off the snow from the driveway as soon as it stops snowing. This would keep your driveway free of snow and ice in the long run.

Get an eco-friendly snow blower

eco-friendly snow blower

If you find it hard to use a shovel and prefer a snow blower instead, ditch the gas-powered models and opt for one that is battery operated. Gas powered snow blowers tend to be noisy and pollute the air as well. Battery operated models would save you this hassle. You might also consider using an electric model as long as you can keep the cord from being buried underneath the snow as you clear the driveway.

Create more traction with bird seed or sand

scatter some sand or birdseed on the snow

You can opt to scatter some sand or birdseed on the snow in order to get a better traction when walking or driving on it. Although this would not help you get rid of the snow completely, it would help you manage it better by giving you a firm grip on the icy surface.

Consider opting for a snow melt hat

installing electric wires beneath

This is an effective way to get rid of all that snow piled on top of the driveway although it would need a little bit of pre-planning. In case you are replacing your driveway or installing a new one, consider installing electric wires beneath it. These wires would help generate enough heat below the surface to melt the snow off the driveway with minimal or no hassles at all. When compared to using chemicals to melt snow, this method is considered more eco-friendly although it may cost you a bit.

Buy boots with solid bottom treads

Buy boots with solid bottom treads

No amount of cleaning would make your driveway completely snow-free. Chances are there may still be traces of icy precipitate you could slip on. So consider buying boots that come with solid bottom treads that would help you get more grip on the icy surface. The best models are those that are flexible, lightweight and made of rubber superimposed with steel coil grips.

Use a De-Icer


You can also consider using a de-icer to remove all that snow off the driveway. But take note of the fact that piling on too much de-icer on the driveway would not do you any good. Since the basic purpose of a de-icer is to loosen the snow so that you can easily shovel it away. So just apply a handful of de-icer per square yard to achieve your purpose.

Apply rock salt

Apply rock salt

Rock salt plays the purpose of a de-icer as well. However, you need to choose your salt carefully in order to avoid products that may harm the environment. For instance, standard sodium chloride may contain traces of cyanide, which is harmful to both humans and the immediate surroundings. Calcium chloride can be considered a better substitute although its run-off leads to the formation of algae, which would then clog the waterways. Another salt you definitely to avoid is potassium chloride which can also affect the environment adversely. It is also considered wise to stay away from wood ashes and kitty litter, as they would do little to melt ice, but create smelly run-offs during warmer weather


Getting all that snow and ice off your driveway can turn out to be a cumbersome chore. However, you can easily accomplish it by opting for the tips mentioned above. These tips will help you get rid of the ice in the easiest and safest manner possible.

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