Seven magical air purifying plants

Plants are the green janitors of the earth. A potted palm here or a fresh fern there not only lends an elegant look to the ambiance, but succeeds in cooling the atmosphere considerably. They possess the ability to absorb carbon dioxide expelled as exhaust by humans, homes and industries and exhale oxygen during photosynthesis and thus rid the atmosphere of toxic air. With their magic touch, these indoor plants bring nature indoors, cool the air and leave it clean and pure. Watch the palm fronds gently swaying to the lullaby of the breeze, the scent of nearby jasmine wafting in the air or that lush green look by the carpet of moss, fern or Korean grass – doesn’t your home look and feel greener.

Here comes a handy list of indoor plants to help you purify the atmosphere and harmonize your home.

1. Areca palm


Although known highly as an ornamental plant, the Areca palm adorning your home is an excellent air humidifier and toxin remover.

One of the most popular nursery plants, the Areca Palm looks exotic while embellishing your home. A fast grower with low maintenance, it lends a tropical touch to your home.

The Areca keeps the air moist and fresh all the time and is truly ideal for tropical climes. Known to remove chemical pollutants all day, the Areca has been awarded a high score of 8.5 as the ideal indoor plant by NASA.

2. Lady palm

Lady Palm

This Lady is by no means as timid as her name for the Lady palm is a tough, sturdy indoor plant, immune to most of the insect attacks.

Sharing a purification index of 8.5 with the Areca palm, the Lady palm is ideal for use in both dry and humid climates and can withstand a temperature up to 20 degree Celsius.

Exquisite in beauty, elegant and graceful, the Lady Palm was a symbol of nobility in ancient China.The Lady Palm is available in dwarf varieties as Koban, Daruma and Tenzan and mini-dwarf varieties called Kodaruma and Gyokuho.

3. Bamboo palm

Bamboo Palm

Adept at removing high grade toxins like benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene, the Bamboo palm is the best air purifier plant.

Awarded a score of 8.4 by NASA, the Bamboo palm functions best when moist and in shade away from direct sunlight. The Bamboo palm has a high transpiration rate, keeping the air moist and fresh always.

Also known for its aesthetic appeal, the Bamboo palm gives the Chin-Ming touch with its Feng-Shui feature.

Botanical name of Bamboo palm: Chamaedorea seifrizii.

4. Rubber plant

Rubber Plant

The Rubber plant, a robust Focus by name and nature, is an ideal indoor air purifying plant since it requires less light or sunshine.

Enjoying a score of 8 from NASA, it successfully eliminates formaldehyde from the atmosphere.

The only ridiculing factor with rubber is that it is toxic to a certain extent and may prove harmful to pets.

Botanical name of Rubber Plant: Focus Robusta.

5. Dracaena


Janet Craig or Dracaena gets a score of 7.8 from NASA with its bright verdant foliage.

Dracaena’s lush green look makes it an attractive option for decorating home and office interiors. It is also truly functional toxin eliminator as it rids the air of formaldehyde.

The most popular among houseplants with a ” do-or-die” attitude and innate tenacity to survive in any conditions. Dracaena appears attractive while singularly adorning a window-sill or even in an assortment due to the bright green nature of their long leaves.

Easy to care, the other members of the Dracaena family are called fondly as Limelight, Lemon-lime and Warneckie.

6. English ivy

English Ivy

If the air in your room is musty and stale, bring in English ivy and voila, you breathe clean green air after six hours.

An evergreen climbing plant, the English ivy is prevalently used in landscaping. The aero-doctor, the English ivy, is truly magical as it wipes out allergens and airborne faces from the air.

Excellent at removing formaldehyde, English ivy gets 7.8 from NASA.

Quintessential for asthmatic, allergic and hypersensitive people, the English ivy works wonders with its creeping vines.

Botanical name of English ivy: Hedera helix.

7. Peace lily

The Peace lily is an excellent choice as an air detoxifier because it expunges acetone, alcohol, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air.

With a score of 7.5, the Peace lily is an excellent all-round performer which needs plenty of water and sunlight.

Containing calcium oxalate which is a skin irritant, Peace lily is slightly toxic to man and animals.

Botanical name of Peace lily: Spathiphyllum sp.

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