Samsung Galaxy S6: An Eco-Friendly Smartphone


Research from the Consumer Electronics Association shows that the expected life cycle of a smartphone is just 4.6 years. That could mean that consumers throw a lot of waste into landfills, but Samsung is taking steps to make its products eco-friendly. If you’re worried about the effect electronics have on the environment, you may prefer switching to the Samsung Galaxy S6 for these six reasons.

Packaging Made of Recycled Materials

Recycled paper totes

A lot of today’s electronics come in packaging made from non-recyclable plastics. Unboxing a new phone is practically enough to make an environmentalist rethink the benefits of mobile devices.

Samsung found a simple solution to this problem by making all of its packaging from recycled paper. That includes everything from the box to the user’s manual. Once you decide to get rid of the packaging, you can feel good about dropping it in a recycling bin instead of a trashcan. When you choose to purchase a Samsung product, like the Galaxy S6, from a trustworthy carrier, you can rest assured you are doing your part for the environment.

Labels Printed With Soy Ink

Regular ink may seem fairly harmless, but most of the ink used in the U.S. is made from petroleum. The eco-friendly Samsung Galaxy S6 doesn’t use any petroleum-based ink. Instead, Samsung uses soy ink that offers several environmental benefits. Environmentalists often prefer soy ink because it is:

  • Made from a renewable resource
  • Biodegradable
  • Easier to remove before recycling paper

Ink isn’t an obvious pollutant, but it becomes worrisome once you know the kind of damage it can do. Luckily, soy ink offers a simple alternative.

Battery Chargers Partially Made of Recycled Plastic

All mobile phones need chargers. Inserting a big piece of plastic into an electrical outlet, however, can make eco-conscious people shudder. About 20 percent of Samsung’s Galaxy S6 charger is made from recycled plastic. That doesn’t solve the problem, but it’s a big step in the right direction. With more research, Samsung could find a way to increase the amount of recycled plastic in all of its products.

Settings for Longer Battery Life

Batteries are a major concern for the mobile device industry. Samsung includes two battery-saving settings to make sure the Galaxy S6 works as efficiently as possible. Galaxy S6 owners can alter power usage by going to Settings > Battery. The Power Saving Mode and Ultra Power Saving Mode options disable most apps and even changes screen colors to grayscale. These modes aren’t perfect for daily use, but they give owners more control so they can conserve power when they want.

Samsung Recycling Direct Program

Not every city offers easy access to recycling centers that accept electronics. The Samsung Recycling Direct Program gives everyone the opportunity to recycle their electronics in responsible ways.

As of January 2015, Samsung has collected over 464.6 million pounds of electronics for its recycling program. This includes printer cartridges, IT products, mobile phones, and other devices. Once a Samsung device reaches the end of its life, owners can send it back to the company.

Samsung partners with recycling companies that don’t send products to landfills or incineration sites. Your Galaxy S6 may not take up much space in a landfill, but Samsung expects to sell about 55 million of the devices. The recycling program looks like a more beneficial effort from that perspective.

Over a Decade of Environmentally Aware Design

Samsung made the Galaxy S6, its packaging, and its accessories to meet high environmental standards. The Galaxy S6 has gotten a lot of attention for this, but Samsung committed itself to eco-friendly design over a decade ago. The company works hard to reduce the potential environmental harm of every product. The Galaxy S6 is just the most recent, and therefore most advanced, proof of this commitment.

As Samsung continues focusing on environmentally aware designs, future phones could offer the convenience that consumers want without the environmental problems that so many smartphones pose.

Many experts think that Samsung stands out as a leader among consumer technology companies. Which of the Galaxy S6’s features do you think appeal to consumers worried about the environment? Do you think that Samsung products have kept up with those made by its competitors?

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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