Simple habits that can make your daily shower environmentally friendly

Taking long, hot, steamy showers is something we all love despite knowing how much water and energy they waste. Water shortage is one of the biggest problems out planet is facing today and it is going to worsen if we do not start doing our bit to conserve water.

Your daily shower habits can either save water or splurge it unnecessarily making your shower a threat for water conservation. Here are some tips you all must consider and learn some environmental friendly shower habits that save water, electricity, and leaves a minimal environmental footprint.

Shorter and fewer showers

Woman washes her head at home bathroom. Wetting hair.

Those long, hot and steamy showers are definitely luring, as they are so relaxing and enjoyable but you must look at their downside as well. Long showers are one of the deadliest enemies of water conservation, which you all know is of paramount importance for human existence on earth. Nobody is asking you to forego shower everyday but only to cut down your shower time and also the number of time you take shower every day.

Low-flow Shower Head

Low-flow Shower Head

Shorter showers do save water and installing low-flow showerheads is even better. A regular showerhead uses 5 to 8 gallons of water in a minute, while the low-flow showerhead consumes just 2.5 gallons or even less in a minute.

Installing low-flow showerhead not only enables water conservation but electricity conservation as well, as it takes lesser electricity to heat up water for low-flow showerheads. Therefore, you must get the regular showerhead in your bathroom changed and enjoy short showers everyday without any guilt.

Why wash towel everyday

Woman take bubble  bath

Taking a shower, drying up body with a towel, and then throwing that towel in the laundry, well, this is a standard behavior in many households, especially the ones wherein people show no concern over water and energy wastage. There is no need to wash your towel after every shower, unless you use it to rub some real dirt off your body.

You use towel to just dry up your already washed clean body after a shower, so why does your towel get dirty every time. It just adds up to water and energy wastage in a home, so start using the same towel at least thrice and then toss it in the laundry bag.

Consider Eco-friendly and Sustainable bath products

Woman washing hair with shampoo

From body bath gels, shampoos, conditioners, to soaps, everything has to natural if you desire having an eco-friendly shower. If you purchase green and organic bathing products every time, your shower every time will have a minimal environmental footprint and they are healthy for your skin as well.

If you do not get good organic bathing products on the market, you can always go for some DIY stuff that you can prepare on your own. For instance, rather than using soap bars full of chemicals, you can use glycerin, or make some natural body scrubs that are healthy for you and the environment altogether.

Do not overheat water

Pretty woman taking a shower

Cold water showers are more sustainable than hot showers but this does not mean one should stop taking hot showers. You can take hot showers if you want but make sure you do not leave the boiler on for long, and never overheat water. It is a sheer waste of electricity and very hot water is also bad for your skin, as it leaves it dry. Take a lukewarm shower that is as relaxing as you think only the hot shower is, and it is eco-friendly as well.

We all take shower but some of us realize the huge wastage of water long showers cause while some others do not. It is our responsibility to understand the problem of global water shortage and should try not to waste water but conserve it. One of the best ways is to turn your bathroom green, take short showers and consider the use of toxic soaps and shampoos as well, as they also leave a carbon footprint.

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