The most suitable ways to build eco-friendly homes

It has become very important that we start contributing in preserving environment in every possible way we can. Today’s homes owners are much more aware of the bad impact of construction techniques used in building their homes on environment than before. Yes, we all definitely want comfortable, luxurious and best-looking homes not only fulfilling our basic needs, but also promising a longer life span of the material used in construction. As cost of materials increases daily, it is not only affecting our bank balance but also has a bad impact on the environment. In this green revolution, we need to look forward to new construction techniques that help in preservation of the environment.

recycled jean material insulation

Using green building material

Using recycled lumber as studs is the best option. The insulation of the house can be made from recycled jean material. Good construction material does not require continuous maintenance, lasts for a longer period, and helps in reducing waste. It also helps in cutting down excess use of resources used to replace construction items like cement board siding, brick, stone, sand and steam metal roofing. While using the construction material, it is also important to remember that material used does not release toxic chemicals that might not only be harmful to the environment but also detrimental to your health.

Solar energy ,green home

Go for designs that are energy efficient

The best feature of the environment friendly homes is that the designing of these homes is done in such a way that they are energy efficient. The design must include the installation of solar power panels, water management system, and wind power system. Windows must be designed in a way that a large amount of light is allowed to enter and maximum use of natural light is made for reading and various other activities. Use solar energy for working of various appliances, as it will do great benefits as a money saver and preserving natural resources.


Make maximum use of alternative energy

As population increases, there is a rise in demands. To meet these demands, more and more exploitation of resources is necessary. These resources are cutting down and they will become unavailable one or the other day. It is up to us how we save these resources and by making use of alternative energy, we can achieve this. The use of solar energy and wind energy serves as the paramount alternative energy source.

During cold winters instead of using heaters to keep yourself warm, you could use natural sunlight by making large sized windows that will facilitate in retaining the warmth in cold nights. With the geothermal systems installed in your homes, it will cut down the need of water heaters that requires large amount of electricity.

low flow toilets

Water Management

Water Management is a very important component of an eco-friendly house. Use of rainwater harvesting method is great way using water from a natural source. During rainwater runoff, many nutrients are lost so it is better to make use of the rainwater rather than letting it go waste. Building a barrel that prevents the water running off and minimizing the impervious surface will allow you to preserve water. A lot of water is required for gardening, so gray systems use the water thrown from the sink and shower that can be utilized for watering plants. Making use of low flow toilets conserves water, composite toilets that use no toilet can be utilized as well.


Conservation starts very first from our homes and building them using eco-friendly ways will reduce the impact that we imposing on nature.

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