The Top Environmentally-Friendly Activities for Families

The Top Environmentally-Friendly Activities for Families

Now the summer is here it’s the time for you to enjoy some quality family time with the kids and indeed keep them entertained. So why not teach them a bit about living a greener lifestyle at the same time? There’s lots of family and eco-friendly activities you can get involved in, which can educate about the environment, but also won’t create a huge carbon footprint.

So if this sounds like something right up your street, here’s some great ideas for you to try:

Make the Most of your Garden

If you have a garden this is the perfect place for fun activities and there’s a lot here you can do. Your own back yard can be home to a wealth of little eco-systems and creatures that can fascinate the kids. Also they can find out all about how plants grow and what the different types are.

On the subject of growing plants, why not start your own vegetable patch together? By nurturing and tending to your chosen produce they can also realise the importance of care and responsibility. An added bonus is you won’t have to travel far either!

Visit the UK Forests

The UK is home to many breath-taking forests that are bound to leave your children (and yourself) in awe at their scale and natural wonder. Better still, many of these are National Parks and subsequently there’s lots of nature trails to discover which are, more often than not, free of charge. Again, these can only be a short car journey away so you won’t be creating a huge carbon footprint; unless of course you drive a hybrid or electric model which means there’s little to no negative environmental effects.


Go on a Bike Ride

One eco-friendly, and indeed very healthy, activity to try is a family bike ride. You get to enjoy the great outdoors together and it’s a fun way to get active, rather than sitting and lazing indoors. Remember to be fully-kitted out in safety gear though and this should only be an option if your children are old enough.

Family Camping

If you want an extended eco-friendly holiday then you can’t beat a bit of camping. Much like the number of National Parks, there’s lots of different campsites to visit, some of which can actually be found within forests and nature reserves. Again, this is perfect for escaping to the great outdoors and showing your kids just how wonderful the natural world can be; plus it’s a lot cheaper than a flight and a hotel.

So, give some of these suggestions a try this summer and spend some quality time together as a family. You can also feel confident you’re doing your part for the environment.


Article Submitted By Community Writer

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