Three Renewable Energy Sources other than Solar that Society Should Embrace

Renewable Energy Sources other than Solar that Society Should Embrace

Let’s face it. Fossil fuels are killing the planet. Not only has the world’s population grown exponentially, but so has the world’s use of these non-renewable energy sources. The exhaust from the burning of coal and petroleum has put hundreds of tons of pollutants into the air. The chemicals we are pumping into the atmosphere are heating up the planet, melting glaciers and the ice caps, creating stronger, more devastating storms, and making it harder for animal life to survive.

Thankfully, there are efforts to switch our energy needs from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Business leaders are embracing this movement while governments are finally accepting the reality and reacting to it. Most of this trend is focusing on solar power as the primary generator of our energy needs. And this is rightfully so. The sun has a tremendous amount of power, near-infinite, with a span that covers the entire Earth.

But, there are areas that, because of climate and the environment, do not receive a lot of sunlight. Solar power is not a viable energy source in regions that receive a lot of rainfall each year, or are heavily wooded and the trees prevent solar collection from being effective. It is for these areas that we need to invest in other forms of energy.

Solar power is great but doesn’t fill all of the world’s power needs. By focusing on these other forms of renewable energy, we can truly end the world’s reliance on fossil fuels.



The next most viable form of renewable energy comes from the wind. As the Earth warms up, the hotter air rises, allowing colder air to fill the space. This is how wind happens. By using wind turbines, the flowing air can push through the blades of the massive fanlike structures and spin them, generating electricity.

Wind turbines are already in use but limited to only a few places. By constructing these in and around cities that are located in wind-heavy or solar deficient areas, we can expand their use and provide clean energy to those who would otherwise have to remain on fossil fuels.



We already use the power of rushing water to generate our electrical needs in the forms of dams. But these are even more limited in use – most available sites are already utilized in this way – and can be restrictive because of construction costs. That doesn’t mean we should ignore water completely.

Aside from the conventional dams, there are a couple of non-conventional methods being considered for hydroelectric power. One such concept is to place turbines on the bottom of rivers. This would take advantage of the flowing water and generate electricity from that movement. It is an inspired design that is currently being tested.

There are systems in development that can take advantage of water currents in the ocean. It is challenging right now, and developers are trying to get past certain technical issues to make this a feasible option for energy-generation. This can benefit coastal areas and oceanic islands with their power needs.

Although new methods of hydroelectric power are behind from a developmental standpoint than other forms of renewable energy production, water still has potential to help solve the world’s energy needs.


Hydrogen can be used to fuel vehiclesHydrogen is the most available substance in the universe (as we know it). Its ability to be used as a fuel source has been extensively explored but implemented only in limited ways. There have been storage problems and stability concerns, but engineers are beginning to find ways around these issues.

One of the concerns is that, when overheated, hydrogen could develop nitrogen oxides. This would only add to the pollution problem. If the temperature of the hydrogen is maintained properly, the only emission from hydrogen-powered vehicles would be water.

Hydrogen can be used to fuel vehicles. This is a concept that has been around for a while but hasn’t taken off quite yet. China has begun using hydrogen to power some of their trains. This use of hydrogen isn’t considerable yet, but the government is investing billions of dollars into expanding the reach and use of this fuel source.

At current, only Toyota has developed a car capable of running off of hydrogen. The problem, once this vehicle and others like it gain popularity among consumers, will be the distribution of hydrogen fuel. This includes both the physical demand for the fuel as well as acceptance of hydrogen to power cars.

The United States has been slow to accept fuels other than gasoline and diesel for its motor vehicle. Even electric has been stagnant since its initial release. Convincing Americans to break with the established fuels will be a tough sell. It will come down to price. The cost of the vehicle will be a major factor in swaying extensive use of hydrogen vehicles. This is why electric cars struggle, cheaper vehicles are still available.

Hydrogen still has some issues to sort through, but its potential is still solid. 

You can do your part to help reduce the use of fossil fuels in your home. There are systems for your home that can harness the power of these renewable energy sources. Install one of these, whichever one is best suited for the area you live in, and become part of the solution.

You can also educate people about the need to switch off of fossil fuels. If you have a personal blog, or you contribute to a blog, then help explain to the readers why it is so important to develop these renewable energy sources and what impact they can have on the environment. Include some free stock nature images to show people what we will lose if we don’t act to preserve our planet.

The more people who make the effort to save the Earth, the more society will accept the need for renewable energy. This will in turn lead businesses to react to consumer demand, which will convince government leaders to act as well.It is a grassroots effort that will need everybody’s involvement to be successful.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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