Top scientists meet in Paris, world awaits the New climate report

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‘Think globally, act globally’, this is the call that has come from IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) scientists to the people living all round the world. Climate experts urged that it’s high time that we have to acknowledge our responsibility and come forward to play an important role in order to recede the level of GHG gases. The climate experts are gathered in Paris for assessing the current situation of global warming.

In this Four-day convention, which will finish off on Friday, the Panel will release a much-awaited key assessment on signs of global warming and the fight to reduce it. It is expected that report would say like this: changing in climate is real, serious and that human influence on it is undeniable.

Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the IPCC said:

Concerns about climate change and public awareness on the subject are at an all time high.

He added:

It would perhaps be no exaggeration to suggest that at no time in the past has there been a greater global appetite for knowledge on any subject as there is today on the scientific facts underlying the reality of global climate change.

Meanwhile, Greenpeace activists hung banners on Eiffel Tower; highlighting the threat of climate change. Activists said it has become major political issue in the countries like in the US, Australia, Canada, France and there is a public opinion that pushing governments to take measures to fight against global warming.

Via: NYtimes

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