Transform your bathroom into an eco-friendly arena

If you are thinking of revamping your bathroom, then consider doing it in an eco-friendly manner. In addition to saving the environment a lot of trouble this way, you would also be doing yourself a favor by getting the bathroom that you have always dreamed of. So here are some smart tips that would help you transform your bathroom into a more eco-friendly zone.

Don’t waste water


The bathroom happens to be one of the places in the house where water is wasted a lot. While you may do it unintentionally, there is no denying the fact that a few simple tips can help you prevent this.

One way to do this is to install low flow toilets and showerheads that limit the amount of water used in showering or flushing away waste. A dual flush toilet would also save plenty of water in using different amounts of water to flush away liquid and solid waste.

Installing aerators in the sinks will allow you to experience the same water pressure albeit using less water in the process. You could also opt to install motion sensor faucets which turn on automatically only when they detect your hand underneath them. And simple tasks like turning off the faucets after filling the bucket or while brushing would ensure that you save plenty of water in the bathroom.

Stay away from the vinyl shower screens

vinyl shower screens

The majority of shower screens are made of vinyl which is extremely harmful for the environment. In addition to this, vinyl can also be found in wall decorations and even floor tiling. Banish vinyl from your bathroom by opting for organic materials for the shower curtains.

Popular choices in this case include hemp, organic cotton and even light plastic material that are easily biodegradable. In addition to preventing the shower water from spilling on the floor, these curtains would not release harmful carcinogens into the atmosphere.

Use the ventilation fan instead of an electronic air cleaner

ventilation fan

Instead of using those electronic air cleaners that suck out the odors from the bathroom and deposit them outside (while harming the environment), consider using a regular ventilation fan for the same purpose. Although this may sound anti-green as well, it is much better than the electric alternative.

Running the ventilation fan regularly in the bathroom would prevent mold and mildew buildup. You can also opt for a fan that comes with a timed switch, thereby scheduling periodic on and off times. This way, you don’t need to worry about forgetting to switch off the fan.

Use eco-friendly cleaners

cleaning Bathroom

A lot of household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that may harm your health as well as the environment around you. So ditch the synthetic cleaning products and opt for natural, organic alternatives instead. You can also make your own cleaning products using ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar. In addition to saving you plenty of money this way, these natural cleaners would give any synthetic cleaner a run for its money.

Switch to energy efficient lighting options

energy efficient lighting options

Why leave out the bathroom when fitting energy efficient bulbs in the rest of the house? In addition to increasing your electricity bills, incandescent light bulbs can emit a lot of heat. So consider replacing them with LEDs or CFLs. You would get the same level of brightness at a lower cost.

Buy eco-friendly bath products

Woman washing hair with shampoo

The concept of an eco-friendly bathroom does not stop with the installations, fixtures and cleaning products alone. It also includes your choice of bath products which can complete the look of an eco-friendly space. By purchasing certified green products, you are protecting the environment, your family and your health as well. So if you are intent on revamping your bathroom, include this green tip in your plan as well.

Thinking of revamping your bathroom to make it a greener space? From conserving water, organic bath products and natural cleaners to energy efficient lighting options, these tips will help you achieve the same in a cost effective manner.

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