Seven weirdest recycling projects

weirdest recycling projects

Recycled art has taken a new meaning with researchers opting for weird ideas by the day. Bodily discharges are the new area of attention that has caught their fancy and going by the amount of excreta and human as well as animal secretions that are at their disposal, they seem to have an endless reserve for continuing their research for as much time as they can. Starting from cosmetic products to recycled paper, there are quite a few weird stuff out there for us to try and be amused. Here are seven weirdest recycled projects for you to take a look at. They are well processed and disinfected before turning them into beautiful products and hence you need not worry about their safety, while using them as recycled materials.

1. Humanure

We are used to cow dung and sewage being used as manure for natural crop enhancement. How about recycling human excreta? Slated as the next big recycling project to hit the world, humanure is collected by using deep three meter pits as toilets which are closed once they are full and newer pits are dug for collection. When the pathogens in the sealed pits are destroyed, they are taken out to be used as manure for fertile agricultural land. The system is already in place in some rural areas in Zimbabwe.

2. Pee Pills

Pee pills are pills that are created from human urine. The urine of human beings is supposed to contain an enzyme known as urokinase, which can help in dissolving blood clots in the body. Before you jump to conclusions about making heart attack patients drink urine, let’s set the matter straight. Urokinase has to be filtered from the urine before the pills can be shape out. The special public toilets from UrPort-A-John have filters that can collect urokinase which can be used for producing pee pills.

3. Sludge Bricks

Sewage sludge can now be used for creating lightweight concrete and bricks. Ecobrique, created by a French company is made after partially drying and mixing the sludge with clay. The mixture is then send through kilns where they are fired to make them hard and durable.

4. Aqua Powered Batteries

These amazing batteries developed by a Japanese company do not require a power socket to be charged. They can be charged by any fluid of your choice. This can range from urine, saliva, blood, water, juices and anything that can offer it some moistness to charge the batteries. They are made by combining carbon and magnesium and are aptly named NoPoPo (No Pollution Power) batteries. When they require to be charged, they do not differentiate between the fluids that are used for the purpose.

5. L-cysteine

For all those of you who love to gorge on pizzas of varying flavours, here’s some news that can keep you off your favourite junk food for ever. L-cysteine, a dough conditioner which is very commonly used in bakeries and pizza corners for conditioning the dough for their cakes and pizzas are, hold your breath, made from dead human hair that is collected form hair cutting and beauty salons! Many international food chains have discontinued the use even though local companies could still be going strong with the practice.

6. Human Waste Doors

Another one of those human waste projects that have got the green signal, this one comes from India where toileting in rural and backward areas have been a deep problem. Sulabh International, an Indian sanitation company has come up with this novel idea of using processed human waste collected form Sulabh public toilets for making durable and sold doors. The human waste is matured for three years and plastic resin added to it to make it solid before doors are created from it.

7. Semen Beauty Products

This could come as a surprise for all the ladies out there. We all know how antioxidants help in preventing free radical damage to our body and arrest the ageing process. But its surely surprises us when we come to know that semen is rich in antioxidants and hence good for our body. Spermine which is found in semen is known to be an antioxidant and that has anti ageing qualities. A Norwegian company has a range of spermine creams and serums for women.

Another company names Cmen Beauty markets pure and washed semen for application on the face. This is known to give you glowing and beautiful looking skin that is also protected from the effects of ageing with regular use.

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