Why Going Green is Good for Business


Whether you have a genuine commitment to improving the environment or you are simply wondering whether going green is the right choice for your company for many reasons, moving toward a more sustainable business model can lead to improvements in a number of areas. This is not just good for the planet but also a smart business strategy for the reasons below among others.

1. Customer Demand


Increasingly, customers want products and services that are greener. While there is a market for high-end, affluent customers who will pay more for sustainable options, there are also many who may not have the money for pricier goods and services but who would embrace an accessible and affordable green alternative. Think about your brand and your customer base and keep in mind that even if you aren’t marketing to a demographic that typically embraces environmental concerns, many different types of people like the idea that they can make a small difference in keeping the planet cleaner and healthier with their consumer choices.

2. Lower Costs

There is a misnomer about green choices that they are always the costlier ones. Sometimes this is simply not the case; at other times, the more environmentally friendly option may require an initial outlay but can save money over the long run. One place where you can substantially lower costs by choosing the green option is within your fleet. You may have been looking at the difference between electric vehicles and internal combustion engines and comparing cost and performance.

When it comes to EV’s vs ICE’s, EVs are more fuel-efficient and cost-effective. They can bring your operating expenses down in addition to being a cleaner alternative. For your non-fleet employees, you could look at ways to reduce their need to drive altogether for work. Allowing employees to work from home and having more remote meetings cuts back on travel expenses and overhead. You may be able to get tax credits or deductions for some green initiatives.

3. Attracting Employees

Experienced Manager and Young Employee Discuss Commercial, Financial and Marketing Projects. Young Director Pointing on Screen, Scolds the Employee in Modern Business Office.

Your customers aren’t the only one who may be concerned about the impact that your company has on the planet. Questions about the environment might be on the minds of potential employees as well, and you may be able to attract top talent by positioning yourself as a leader within your industry. This commitment to a more sustainable way of doing business can also improve employee morale and retention. Younger employees in particular tend to look for workplaces that align with their values and may be more likely to consider sustainability an important factor in choosing where they work.

4. Set Yourself Apart

By showing your commitment to reducing your impact on the environment, you can set yourself apart from your competitors. You can present your company as forward-thinking and set the groundwork to become a thought leader in this area. Highlight your efforts and show off any environmentally friendly gadgets you use in daily practice to put the planet first. When the response to your sustainable practices is positive, your competitors will be pressured to follow suit, but you can take steps to remain at the forefront of the greenest business practices and to make that approach an integral part of your brand.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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