10 coolest ways to recycle discarded clothes

Cool ways to recycle discarded clothes

Have we ever contemplated on the fact that what happens with the clothes we discard? The clothes are thrown in landfills, which encourages soil pollution and harms the environment in turn. The best way to reduce landfill waste is by recycling clothes. This will in turn save raw material and other natural resources that are required to make new clothes. Below are ten coolest ways to recycle clothes and give them a new lease of life.

1. Textile recycling

A lot of energy and resources are wasted while making fresh textiles from new materials. But, all the wastage can be brought down by recycling textile. This is not only good for the environment but will also come tagged with plenty of economical benefits. This will also reduce the usage of landfills. Synthetic fibers do not decompose while wool produces methane, which are great contributors towards global warming. The best way to keep the beautiful surroundings away from all the ill effects is recycling clothes. This may include denoting clothes or reusing/reproducing the fabric. Textile recycling also creates employment opportunities and there are as many as 500 companies that are making good use of thrown away textiles, which may include clothes, shoes and even bags.

2. Recycled clothes business

Recycling clothes can prove to be a great business if you want to do something of your own. This is a great environmentally-friendly business idea that is profitable as well as exciting. Millions of clothes are discarded every year and many are dumped in a very good condition. These wearable options are shown the way to landfills and are neither sold again nor used for any other purpose. There are many people who donate clothes and all you have to do is sort and display them in a nice way. Organize a resale for used clothes and inform people through fliers or newspaper advertisements. Make sure that the clothes are not stained and are in a great condition before hanging a price tag on them.

3. Secondhand cloth sculpture art

What looks like shady tree in the above picture has been made using discarded and salvaged clothes. The amazing artwork is a brainchild of an artist duo named Guerro De La Paz from Cuba. They are responsible for giving birth to tasteful sculptures that leave onlookers awestruck. All the figures have been created using thrown away shoes, socks, boots and a variety of clothing items. All the raw material for these amazing creations has been picked from stores located in Little Haiti, Miami. The sculptures are aesthetically very pleasing and will leave people amused.

4. Clothes and shoes drop off

If you are planning to clean your wardrobe that means throwing away shows and clothes then give it another thought for the love of your beautiful surroundings. Become an eco-warrior by dropping off clothes at places, which will reuse the fabric rather than dumping it in landfills. There are many companies that buy discarded clothes and then make good use of them. Every rag sorting company has bins where one can go and throw shoes, bed sheets, belts and clothes. Most of the discarded clothes are sent to other countries and materials not worth wearing are used as polishing rags and wiping.

5. Donation and resale

One can easily donate clothes at different charities and get tax forms for deduction in return. These charities further sell the clothes that come as a donation or can also donate them to those who can’t afford them. These are also handed over to recyclers that can make these donations usable in the form of upholstery stuffing, wiping rags and also export them as used clothing. There is also an option to sell used clothing items at consignment stores, which will earn the donor cash or store credit. If you are tech savvy then why not make good use of online auctions.

6. Swap secondhand clothes

Why not trade you old clothes for something absolutely stylish and new? Yes, it is very much possible. There are many clothe trading sites that will make your wardrobe worth envying that too without having to shell a lot of money. Clothes’s swapping is gaining popularity and is being accepted graciously by people. One can also trade clothes with others without any cost, which sounds fun. You can also organize a clothing swap meet if you are an environment lover and understand the importance of keeping it clean.

7. Garage sale

Recycling things at an everyday basis is a great way to free the environment from the clutches of deterioration. Recycling clothes will save the surroundings and also conserve raw materials. One great way to do this is by organizing a garage sale. Get out all that you don’t wear and put it on sale. I bet there will be many takers and the money collected will give your wardrobe a new look.

8. Creative recycle clothing

There are many people who do not touch their clothes after wearing them twice or thrice. These are mostly in an absolutely new condition and have all the grace intact. Instead of investing in new outfits why not buy these second hand options that have hardly been worn? One can even grab designer clothes that too at throw away prices. This will make you look good and keep the environment clean and green at the same time. One can also customize the clothes by bringing out their creative end and using laces, trimmings, etc.

9. Recycle clothes for a new look

If you are one amongst those who is tired of wearing the same clothes and don’t have enough money to get a new wardrobe, then it’s time you think of recycling clothes for a new look. Pick stuff that you are tired of wearing and see if you can embellish them for a newer look. You can take tips from the internet and make the same boring set of clothes look different and fashionable.

10. Cloth craft from recycled clothes

Make use of old clothes to bring out the creative traits that are hidden inside you in the form of cloth craft. There is sea of options to swap clothes into art form, which may include things like puppets, coasters, covers and bows, to name a few. Once you start creating decorative items from old clothes, I can bet you will never run out of ideas. This is a great eco-friendly way to recycle clothes.

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