5 Coolest ways to turn trash into craft projects

Five coolest ways to turn trash into craft projects

For artistic and creative people, there is no dearth of ideas and you can literally weave magic from anything you get hold of. Many spend their free time following various artistic pursuits that not only relieve their mind off stress, but also offer great enjoyment and fun. If you are a craft enthusiast and would like to turn trash into novel products, there are many ways by which you can do that and quite easily without much effort.

1. Plastic bag strips for crocheting

Plastic Bag Strips for Crocheting

Crocheting is something most women enjoy and most of them are good in creating amazingly beautiful crocheted table linen and jackets. How about crocheting with a difference? Have you recently found that your cellar is overflowing with plastic bags?

Before you throw them out, think of this novel idea of crocheting with plastic bag strips. Plarns or plastic yarns can be created by cutting one inch strips of plastic bags. These can be used for crocheting anything you like. It can be wine bottles holders, hats, bags, baskets and what not. Try mixing plastic strips of varied colors to create vibrant patterns, straight from your imagination.

2. Book organizer

Book Organiser

Your thick and heavy phone books are no longer as helpful as they used to be. Now internet, mobile devices and directory services are much faster and easier to use. These heavy phone books or any heavy book that is lying useless in your book shelf can be used for creating beautiful organizers. All you need to do is to divide the pages of the book into four or five equal section and curve it inward. Fix it with glue and your desk organizer is ready.

They can also be made by joining several books after curling their ends together. Make it more attractive by painting the sides in bright colors or patterns and adding small details like sequins or other attachments in your own style. These organizers are very sturdy due to their weight and can stand independently on the table without falling.

3. Recycled envelopes

Recycled Envelopes

Envelopes are things that we used to use frequently in olden times. Though they are used less now, they are still things that are very useful, especially during festival seasons when we are in a frenzy to send greeting cards to friends and relatives.

Create some unique looking envelopes with paper recycled from books, magazines, newspapers and paper bags. They not only look very attractive, but are also a lot different from the plain envelopes that you are so used to.

For making envelops using paper, first you have to cut them in the desired size and template. Fold the sides and glue them securely. These homemade envelopes are very beautiful and can be used for sending greeting cards, letters, etc. or just for organizing your own desk by neatly placing your communications in each homemade envelope, thereby avoiding clutter.

4. Lamps from wine bottle

Lamps from Wine Bottle

All the glass wine bottles that we empty during celebrations invariably go to the recycle bin. Why not put them to use yourself by transforming them to beautiful pieces of art which you can place in your living room or anywhere you deem fit? Wine bottles of various sizes and shapes can be used as lamp stands.

Cork stopper lamp kits can be fixed on the top of the wine bottle and you can fix a CFL light bulb on to it. Create a beautiful lampshade for the lamp and you have a beautiful homemade lampshade, all yours to enjoy.

5. Toilet paper art

Toilet Paper Art

Toilet rolls and tissue rolls are essential things that we use on an everyday basis. The cardboard rolls that you get after the toilet paper is over may be a useless thing for most of us. But, turn your creativity on and you will have a number of art projects shaping up, all with the help of toilet rolls.

Cut them up to form beautiful shapes and patterns and paste them on to a chart paper to create your own imaginary picture. You can frame them or place them on the wall tastefully to form beautiful designs worthy of admiration. Toilet rolls can also be directly fixed on the walls to form decorative art of varying shapes and colors.

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