10 Green toys made for earth loving pets

Green toys for pets

Pets are a family’s pride and it is the family’s duty to look after them. Several toys are specifically designed for them and it is important that these toys are safe and nontoxic since our pets love them more than anything in the world and can’t bear to be away from them.

Here are a few green toys that your pets are sure to love.

1. Chase the Hemp Cat Tail

Chase the Hemp Cat Tail

Chase the Hemp Cat Tail is a 100% bio-degradable toy that will surely keep your cat entertained. Made from herbicide and pesticide free hemp, this toy is available in several colors. Even the coloring is low impact and permanent and the toy is stuffed with aromatic organic catnip. Watch as your cat falls in love with this toy.

2. Wooly Dust Bunnies

Wooly Dust Bunnies

This toy is made with dryer lint and it safe and a lot of fun to play with. You can make these at home and all you need is some dryer lint and 2 plastic toy eyes. Stick these eyes to the ball of lint and your toy is made. Your cats will have a good time with these lint bunnies.

3. Hemp Rope Toys

Hemp Rope Toys

The Hemp Rope toys are made of 100% hemp and are hence completely safe for your dogs. These extremely chewy dogs have a very simple rope design with knots at the ends for your dog’s better grip. These toys are environment friendly and are hypoallergenic, pesticide and herbicide free.

4. West Paw Zogoflex Zisc

West Paw Zogoflex Zisc

These Ziscs are 100% recyclable, non toxic and extremeky tough. They’re guaranteed against dog damage. So now your dog can chew away and not actually end up eating a part of his toy. These frisbees are meant to be thrown so need a little more care than any other chewy toy but are as much fun to play with.

5. Itch Cat Scratcher

Itch Cat Scratcher

Every cat owner knows how much a cat enjoys getting scratched. Most of these cats take the help of furniture to help them do that. This Itch Cat Scratcher prevents that from happening. These toys are specifically designed to hide their purpose while actually providing great relief to your cats itching needs.

6. Stuff ‘N Fetch It

Stuff 'N Fetch It

This toy is made of pre-consumed recycled fire hose material and is extremely durable. You can use it to train your dogs to do tricks like fetch, search, hold etc. Filled with treats and scent, the dog will follow it and will easily get trained because he’d want to bring it back for his treat. It has an easy Velcro flap and comes in several colors.

7. Simply Fido Organic Pet Toys

Simply Fido Organic Pet Toys

Simply Fido is the first company to make organic pet toys. Their toys use organic fibers and the toys are completely safe to play with. The toys are sturdy and are designed keeping each dogs needs in mind. They have several toys in different characters and each of these toys have different features like stretchy legs, rope rings, and some even make squeaky sounds.

8. Kitty Catnip Fortune Cookies

Kitty Catnip Fortune Cookies

These handmade toys are made of acrylic yarn and are stuffed with organic catnip to make your cats playtime safe. The toy is very soft and is durable and washable and will make even the quietest of cats go wild while playing with it.

9. Huck ball

Huck ball

This toy will literally keep your dog jumping with it’s unique design that can bounce off any direction. The toy is 100% recyclable and is great for your dogs daily exercise. It comes in 3 bright colors and never fails in surprising your dog. The toy can literally handle anything that your dog throws in it’s way.

10. Orbee-Tuff Glow For Good Ball

Orbee-Tuff Glow For Good Ball

These nontoxic durable toys are extremely fun to play with and are also promoting a good cause. The proceeds from their sales go directly to the Planet Dog Foundation, an N.G.O. that supports canine service programmes. The toys are glow in the dark, and very strong and are perfect for heavy chewers.

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