20,000 cigarette butts pay their tribute to Serge Gainsbourg’s portrait

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Commemorating the memory of the greatest song composer and writer Serge Gainsbourg, is the Swiss artist Jinks Kunst. Being a loyal fan of the singer, Jinks wanted to make something totally different yet creative, ensuring to add an extra glint to people’s eyes when they remember the singer’s soulful music. Apart from making the painting reflect Serge’s true personality, Jinks has also endeavored to keep in mind how using the cigarette butts can prove to be a boon for the streets of France.

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His creation consists of a photograph made out of cigarette butts. Amazed? Well so was I when I came to know about this piece of art. An astounding idea, it is something which is as unique as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The contours of the face are highlighted so intricately, awarding a lifelike look to the image.

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Salvaging the cigarette butts off the streets, the amount of butts used could very well put all the smokers to shame. A whopping figure of 20,394 cigarettes are responsible for this magnificent, one of a kind masterpiece. Surmising, the artist did not just want to commemorate the memories only, for it appears as if the source of his paintings (cigarettes) were favorites of the late singer.

Via : OddityCentral

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