Best of 2011: 10 Recycled art pieces made using discarded metal

Metal junks are part of urban life. They are toxic for landfills and as junk costly for environment, considering the energy used in unearthing those metals. Despite this in many parts of the world they remain un recycled. Hence, nothing could be better if someone reuse them for creating everyday usable art works. Here is a list of the handpicked 10 best art objects created out of junked and dismantled metal pieces.

Recycled art made using discarded metal

1. Baby alien eco furniture:

Alien eco-furniture

This is a regular stool quite usable in households as coffee table stand or bar stool. It can accommodate extra seating in your drawing space too. Difference is, this stool may look scary to kids and it is made out of different vehicle parts discarded in the junk yard.

2. Recycled art forms with a mechanical hint:

art of mechanical hint

Greg Brotherton, while developing this piece of art, used only his imagination and common household junks, like discarded vacuum cleaners, woods, glass pieces and other machine parts. The creation distinctly follow pop art genre with green objective.

3. Sophisticated furniture using discarded machinery:

furniture using discarded machinery

Bob Campbell, better known as Stig, looks beyond industrial and household junks and creates artworks with new forms. He is into junk artistry since a decade and beautified many public spaces with his vivid imagination and metals trashes. His creations are not just visual treat; they can be used as regular useful furniture too.

4. Eco friendly art forms using recycled steel and stones:

eco-friendly art-forms recycled steel

This is another environment friendly artwork, useful, visually appealing and created with everyday junks into a spidery design. However, once complete you can hardly notice them. They just take a new form far different from their physical reality.

5. Sci fi movie monsters crafted from recycled metal scrap:

Sci-fi movie monsters

If you love scaring others by monsters of Hollywood science fictions, these artworks should be your first choice. They look no less scary but absolute friendly to environment. Artist uses only junk metal pieces to shape imagination. So they are no way harmful.

6. Handmade metal motorcycle:

Metal Motorcycle

Any diehard bike enthusiast would love to lay hands on these metal junk made bikes. They don’t run of course but set your mind free to run. They are completely hand made. So don’t expect industrial finesse, but this is artistry. Unlike your assembly made bike, these are exclusive.

7. Mercedes of recycled metal:


Mercedes 300 SLR is a classic piece in automobile history. Artist trio, Armin Ciesielski, Peter Brakel and Walter Willer, recreated the car with discarded automobile parts. They used 10,000 such parts and 7 months to recreate the history, the model even has an engine similar to one available in original 300 SLR. If you want one such scrap Mercedes, it would cost only £60,000!

8. Reuven fields israeli scrapiness to his scrap metal sculptures:

Israeli Scrapiness to his Scrap Metal Sculptures

Scraps turns into unimaginable art objects in hands of Reuben Fields. This Israeli artist is into metal sculpture since last decade and still works everyday to mould scraps around into prettier art. However, the artist uses very less energy in his artwork so, his creations are very energy conscious.

9. Intricate artworks fabricated from reclaimed metal scrap:

Intricate artworks fabricated p yard art

This is the creation of Kat Welding and Fabrication from Ohio. They use every metal scarps, piling up in urban neighborhood, and create wonderful art pieces out of them. F15, in the picture, was constructed with the help of site junks that go unnoticed everyday.

10. Recycled metal jewelry by polli:

Recycled Metal Jewelry

Good news for readers with soft corner for junk jewelries. Polli, co founded by Maja Rose and Tess Lloyd, is creating these ornamental pieces. And they are in reality nothing but metal junks from our surroundings. They have already showcased jewelries like pendent, ear rings, cuff links and brooches. Hopeful, soon you will be able to lay your hands at one of them.

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