New innovative way of recycling car mirrors

If you really want to go green, there are innumerable ways to do so. In order to save our planet, recycling is the easiest thing to do. Moreover, recycled products are easy on your pocket and sometimes you even get a chance to add your creativeness to them. Take the example of a car mirror that has recently been turned into a thing of decoration. Isn’t it a smart thing to do? Does it look any less than the other expensive decorative pieces available in the market?

Vintage Car Mirror

The sad part is that not many people could think of such unique ways of saving our environment. But why? It only needs a small concern for your planet and little creative idea. This mirror is of a vintage car which would normally have been lying somewhere in the garbage, but here it has been used in such a clever way to decorate the house. Moreover, this simple decorative item is doing so much to save our environment. The manufacture of mirrors has a lot of bad impacts on the surroundings, so why waste these mirrors when they can be used in such an exceptional way. Just have a look and decide for yourself, wouldn’t you love to have a similar antique piece of decoration for your house as well?

So, next time you come across one such waste piece of mirror, do not throw it away. Think about our beautiful nature, and convert the mirror into something as innovative as this product. The basic idea that is actually being conveyed here is that we should mainly focus on changing the way we live. Green living should be everyone’s motto. Recycling should be a part of our life.

Via: Re-nest

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