3 Green Ways to Childproof Your Home Child Care Center



There are households all around America which are operating child care centers during the day. There are many reasons why this is a good thing for parents and children alike. For one, these create enjoyable job opportunities for people who otherwise might be overlooked in the economy. Home daycares also provide child care service on a neighborhood level. Rather than having to ship your kids off to some far away location, many parents enjoy dropping their kids off at a home-based center, a smaller operation with owners that are easy to get to know.


The list of benefits could easily go on, but you’re likely already aware. If you own one of these home-based child care centers, there are plenty of ways to make your place even more beneficial to your friends and neighbors who make up your client base. Luckily, most of these methods are good for the environment as well, including some ways which might not immediately spring to mind.


  • SkyChildCare. SkyChildCare is one of the most sophisticated childcare management solutions anywhere. With this service, you can shave off lots of time and problems of inaccuracy in traditional bookkeeping. Enrollment, class schedules, and staff work schedules are a breeze to set up and maintain. That sounds great, but is this really green, you might ask. Well,in addition to saving time and making things run more efficiently, SkyChildCare also enables childcare centers to go completely paperless. There is an option to collect tuition electronically, upload and track medical records and even send announcements to parents via text, email or voice message. A more efficient and clutter-free workplace is healthier for all, and is a part of any business greening effort.
  • LED Lights. The new generation of LED lights that are available now are better for the environment, and the kids you work with. These new lights are better than any other professional standard light that has existed before. Brighter and longer lasting, you won’t be suffering from dim conditions, or replacing burned out bulbs almost ever. The light produced by modern LEDs is also healthier for the eyes, and it’s not hot to the touch. This is important for children, as you don’t want them to get burned when your back is turned.
  • Outside Gardening. Small household gardens are important for the environment, just the same way small, household childcare centers can be good for people in a neighborhood. These little micro-gardens provide places for bees and birds, and do their part to make the air around your house clean, for you and the kids. If you can start one in your back yard, you can also give the little ones something to do during the day, including opportunities for seed planting and learning about home-grown food. It’s a case where what’s good for the environment is good for the people (especially the kids) who are in it.

Close-up of young man's hands planting small tree in his backyard garden

There are plenty of other ways to make your day care greener, but these are all simple and affordable places to start.


Article Submitted By Community Writer

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