4 Ways Freelancers Can be More Environmentally Conscious

Freelancers Can be More Environmentally Conscious

The threat of climate change affects everyone on the planet. As such, it will require the combined efforts of millions of people to combat and reverse dangerous environmental factors. It’s not enough for businesses to pass sweeping, eco-friendly policies if everyday people aren’t going to get on board with them. With that in mind, today we’re going to explain how freelancers can make their operations greener and more environmentally conscious. These small changes –– when done on a large scale –– can make a huge difference. Check them out here:

Cut Out the Paper Trail

Cut Out the Paper TrailWhile freelancers do require physical copies of some important contracts, the reality is that there’s no need to print out the vast majority of business documents. What’s more, it’s important to recycle any old files that you no longer need. Reducing your paper consumption is a great –– and simple –– way to make your freelance work more environmentally friendly.

Reduce Business Travel

Freelancers may collaborate with professionals across the globe. In any given week, a freelancer may work on a web development project for a company in Sydney while also writing copy for a business in Toronto. Though it may seem like a good idea to meet up with as many of your clients as possible, the reality is that such business travel is unsustainable. Not only are in-person meetings overrated, but air travel itself contributes to climate change in some regard. Holding regular meetings over video platforms with clients is a greener and more convenient alternative to regular air travel. (Plus it will save you a lot of money as well!)

Manage Internal Temperatures

thermostatMany freelancers work alone. And a good many work from their own homes. Unsurprisingly, it can be tempting to adjust the temperature in your home to your specific preferences. However, it’s important to use your air conditioning and heating units responsibly. Of course you need to stay warm during the winter months. On the other hand, you don’t have to set your thermostat on 80 degrees just because it’s cold outside.

Work with Green Companies

Whether your specialty is writing about obscure products like Elisa plates or you work with small businesses to boost their SEO efforts, the bottom line is that freelancers get to choose their business partners. Given that fact, it’s possible for freelancers to seek out green businesses and offer to work with them and them alone. Remember, if a company doesn’t adhere to your moral or social principles, then you’re under no obligation to collaborate with them. After all, some things are more important than a paycheck!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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