5 Car replicas made using recycled Materials

F1 Racing car

As the whole world is moving towards achieving a greener world, it encourages people for recycling of goods. Now a days from paper to iron, most of the things are being recycled. Even we have separate recycling plants for efficient recycling of waste materials. Every day in the world millions of tonnes of waste is produced and thrown uselessly in open. This waste causes environmental pollution, posing severe threats to mankind. That’s why the recycling of this waste is necessary so that this harmful waste can be transformed into useful material.

Similar task is done by some of the ordinary people like me and you. Tell me what you people do with the waste materials that gets collected in our home? The answer is simple we just throw it out. But these people have changed some of the waste material into excellent form of art by transforming this into amazing car replicas. These replicas are so amazing that at first look you can not even tell whether these are made up of waste materials. The waste materials like old cardboard boxes, cigarette boxes, old car parts etc are joined in such a way that it makes you think whether it is real or imaginary. So let’s have a look on these recycled car replicas:

1. F1 racing car replica

F1 Racing car

The F1 racing car replica that is shown here in this image is created by Kathi Resan, an employee of Pullman Putrajaya hotel. This replica is made up of recycled cardboard cartons and other waste material available at hotel. It took around four weeks of hard work to Kathi Resan, to create this replica. Replica measures 8 feet in length and 2 feet in width, just the same of a F1 racing car. You can call this car as Eco F1 racing car as it is totally made up of recycled material and can never cause any type of pollution. This represents the best art made with cardboards.

2 Bugatti Veyron Replica

Bugatti Veyron

Another amazing artwork, or you can say replica of Bugatti Veyron car is created by students of China’s Xian University. This Replica of the famous racing car is created using empty cigarette boxes. The replica utilizes around 10,280 empty cigarette boxes. This car runs on an electric motor with help of which you can even drive this replica. This awesome sculpture was created to spread the awareness among people on “No smoking Day”. In China, No smoking day is celebrated on 31st May. Overall we can say that the car serves its purpose in saying NO to smoking.

3 Vintage race car replica

Vintage Race car

The next sculpture that represents astounding art work is a replica of Vintage car. This replica is totally made up of wood. This car is inspired by vintage cars of 1924. The car is mixture of old wood from wooden window frames, old cans and other scraps. The creator of this car is Stephen Crawford. This car shows his knowledge about the cars and their designs. His three years of hard work has turned into this car that uses petrol for its running and upon looking it no one can tell whether this car is made up of recycled material.

4 Ramon’s recycled Ferrari replica

Ramon's recycled Ferrari

Ramon Ashourian, a common citizen, utilized two precious years of his life in collecting some waste material and turning it into a Ferrari sculpture. The whole car is made up of waste and old material beside its wheels.The handle of this car is made by using an old machine handle, seat is made up of leather jacket and similarly different waste things gets its place in this car. Soon this car will have an electric motor with the help of which it can go for higher speeds. The creator of this car has plans to attach motor and an electric battery to his car so that he can roam around in this.

5 100 MPG Lotus Seven replica

100 MPG lotus seven

The last but not the least in our list is a replica of “Lotus car”. The main feature of this car is that it runs on Bio diesel. Being a replica car, it has got its components from different old cars and articles. The car features a 32 horsepower, turbocharged 100cc engine. According to goal set by designer, this car can travel up to 100 miles of distance on one gallon of bio diesel. However, he was able to achieve only 70 MPG of efficiency. Some of the major body parts of car like suspensions and bodyline are taken from an old Toyota Corolla car. Still the designer of the car is working on increasing the mileage and power of this replica car.

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