5 Innovative musical instruments made using recycled materials


When we were kids, we used to bang lots of buckets and boxes together and treated them as musical instruments. Though the sound produced was not very soothing but the idea was there and it is from this idea that many specialists have developed many instruments. These instruments are basically a collection of trash cans and buckets put together to form musical instruments. One can enjoy this kind of music in districts of major cities during night time.

Below mentioned are some of the instruments made by recycling waste materials.

1. Bash the trash

Bash the Trash

A New York City based band uses recycled instruments to perform music and brings them into schools. This band was found by Bertles and his wife and they believed that if art can be made from recycled objects then music can also be made from recycled instruments. They have developed a number of instruments like bang-cello from recycled wood. Their instruments also include a recycled French Hose. Stylish hub cap drums and giant string gong are also few of the recycled instruments made by this band. This band has decided to launch a CD of their performances and bring out their work to the audiences.

2. Japan’s musical gold

Horns from bottles

Japan has organized many TV shows in which the contestants were asked to create musical instruments from household items. This has resulted in a number of innovative musical instruments. Such instruments include a saxophone made from just a simple pipe, part of a balloon, a film case and a little bit of air pump hose as well. Then some computer printers were designed to play sounds. But the instrument that won the first prize was a plastic bottle horn. Such reality shows can really bring out the best and reveal what all instruments can be made from wastes.

3. Karam’s residual gurus

everyday household goods as instruments

A Barcelona based musical group has been found to tour all over Europe and produce some music that has caught the attention of all. This group knows how to transform rubbish into music. They perform spiritual music with the help of rubbish. These include eastern rhythms, electronic sounds, laughter, and original instruments. These along with meditation and improvisation combine to form some real classical music. This has really become popular since they have been performing all around Europe. The name of this group is Residual Gurus. This group of people has indeed done an amazing job by bringing out music from utter rubbish.

4. Recycled ‘geetars’ and beer organs

Recycled guitars and beer organs

It is really amazing how well a guitar made from a cigar box can sound, this is indeed amazing. To make a musical instrument like guitar or a banjo all one needs is hollow body of cigar or a tin box or any other hollow object. Then you just have to add strings on to it and it becomes your stringed instrument, even using beer bottles instruments have been made called beergan. One just need to think a bit and look around and get the right things together to make another musical instrument.

5. Vienna’s vegetable orchestra

Vegetable orchestra

This includes instruments made from fresh organic vegetables. This has got instruments like carrot marimba made from carrots, cucumberphone from cucumber, radish bass flute from radish, pumpkin drums made from pumpkins, carrot flutes from carrot and many more. This just shows that music is everywhere. All you have to do is to find it. Music can be created from green vegetables and so many things.

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