Five best eco friendly products every bathroom should have

Five best eco friendly products every bathroom should have

With the rise in environment problems, it has become imperative that we switch to green products right from environment friendly garments to environment friendly homes and cars. But hardly anyone has heard of Eco friendly products for bathroom. Yes, we can use Eco friendly products in our bathroom to give a fresh smell of the room. We can avail other dental products to prevent gum disease and there are other Eco friendly make-up items also.

Let us take a look at the five best Eco friendly products every bathroom should have:

1. Toothbrush:


Toothbrush is a necessary thing to start our day with. A lot of researches was done through into the making of Eco friendly toothbrushes. Successfully, many companies have come up with these kinds of toothbrushes. Eco friendly toothbrushes like handles made up of bamboo, bristles made up of pig hair are available in the market. You need not worry anymore about the plastic harmful toothbrushes. Eco friendly toothbrushes are very popular and are here to stay for sure. Please make sure you check the preserve and radius source lines.

2. Hairbrushes and Combs:

Hairbrushes and Combs

We have often face many problems with hairbrushes and combs. While some have rough teeth, others have very sharp edges. But the environment friendly hairbrushes and combs have no problems of such. In place of wood, natural bamboo is used to make these combs. They are much more durable also. Bamboo which is naturally sustainable is a great replacement for wood. You would really love these environment friendly hairbrushes and combs. Try out the beautiful comb and hairbrush from Olivia Garden.

3. Deodorant:


Everyone uses deodorant before going to office or school or party or college. It has become an irreplaceable item of our bathroom. It is as essential as the soap is. Without it, our bath is not complete. However, deodorants contain a lot of harmful chemicals. Environment friendly deodorants have come up which are steadily replacing the harmful ones. Natural and crystal deodorants deodorants have no contain of any chemical that can be harmful for the skin. You can check out Tom’s of Maine deodorant line.

4. Body Soap:


No matter what product gets launched, nothing can replace the dear old body soap. A lot of soaps leave our skin rash.At times the harmful chemicals used in the soaps dry our skin up. So, to get rid of all these problems, Eco friendly soaps have surfaced. These soaps come with added benefits and do not have any of the harmful effects. Kiss my face and Jason’s are famous environment friendly soap brands which you can try out.

5. Lotion:


We never bother to think about the kind of body lotion we use. But some of the body lotions can prove very harmful and can bring in adverse effects. The packaging of these lotions are never environment friendly. You can check out the body lotions of Lush. They are non toxic, animal friendly and vegan. Packaging is also recyclable thus making everything eco friendly.

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