Project SCRAP: Montréal designer gives abandoned furniture a new life

Project SCRAP

People are not only becoming eco friendly in various ways, but the zeal of environmentalism has also caused creativeness among them to create product made out of recycled objects and even reuse the trash. Any object which may be a junk or a waste thing for one may be to others the medium to express that trash in an entirely different light. I would say that this is the case with Montréal designer Marjolaine Poulin of M Design who calls this procedure as “Project SCRAP,” which is a collection of handmade furniture items, crafted by making use of the scrap materials and left over furniture pieces on the ‘moving day’ of Quebec.

Moving Day in Quebec is an important event where the province fixed terms for leases of rental properties. The day is an integral part of Quebec’s heritage. Many people across the state move on July 1, because it is the official end date for rental leases. This communal ordeal leads to heaps of unwanted waste, abandoned furniture and appliances that litter the pavements and back yards for several days.

‘Mao’ short for Marjolaine Poulin is a designer in Montreal, Canada. She learned to make furniture from a Taiwanese master in Guatemala. She makes beautiful furnishing pieces from mixed bamboo and wood. Along with that she also makes elegant lighting appliances and other accessories. Paoulin takes advantages of these scrap materials that were left on the sidewalks of the city on ‘La Fête du déménagement’ or ‘moving day’ . She collects them and paints the discarded furniture giving it a charming look. And out of the broken furniture and other given up objects she creates something new, beautiful and of course usable out of that trash. She has been making use of this garbage since 2010 and let these otherwise dead objects, live again.

Via: Treehugger

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