Alien Queen: Replica of Hollywood flick character made from recycled steel

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Hollywood seems to be leaving its footmarks everywhere. Deriving inspiration from the character of the queen from the cult Hollywood franchise Alien, an Ireland-based company has developed a sculpture. What’s the most interesting thing about the piece is the fact that it is green. RoboSteel, a firm that is into creating sculptures using scrap metal has come up with a real-world version of the queen that is made from recycled steel. Three people worked really hard for good three months to transform scrap to a extraordinary scultpture.

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Dubbed the ‘alien queen’, the sculpture made using recycled steel, weighs some 1,200 pounds and houses more than 4,000 parts. All the parts were polished and lacquered to create a replica that would force shiver down your spine. Though not as tall as the terrifying monster in the sequel to the Alien, RoboSteel’s piece is about half the size, but not less terrifying. Nearly 90 percent of the parts for the sculpture came from Yamaha motorcycles collected from scrapyards. Purchasing the alien queen that will be featured in Ripley’s Believe It or Not later this year, will set you back by about $6,000.

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Via: GadgetLab

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