All-electric, pocket-sized concept boat for green sailing

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Edwin Conan (Yi Yuan), a recent university graduate and industrial designer, envisions the future of water transportation with the conception of a yacht-like vehicle that promises safer and cleaner transportation over long distance. Specifically designed for accommodating four people, the pocket-sized vehicle named RAPiD Ekranoplan packs in two electric motors that are powered by some super charge ion battery packs. With a top speed of 450km/h, the environmentally friendly boat can challenge the mighty oceans.

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Its proposed uses qualify it as a future water taxi, water ambulance or a tourist vehicle for islanders or others in a similar way. If you are well heeled enough to own one, the RAPiD Ekranoplan could suit your family jaunts on the blue. However, you need to wait until it comes out of the concept stage.

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Via: Edwin Conan

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