Eco-Friendly Ideas and Alternatives for Heating Your Home

Solar heating system

Home heating bills can put a hole in the wallet of an average homeowner. In general, home heating accounts about 40-percent of energy consumption, and nearly 85 to 90-percent of home heating systems work on non-renewable sources such as electricity and natural gas from coal plants. But with increasing energy costs and environmental impacts, people are finding eco-friendly alternatives for heating their home.

Following are economical, eco-friendly solutions to keep your home warm while saving your money.



There are several hardware stores that offer inexpensive insulation to help you regular indoor heating. Here are three types of insulation that can be added to you home.

  1. Wall insulation: It is the most time consuming and requires lot of effort, but after adding insulation to home walls you’ll surely see a huge different in your energy bills.
  1. Attic insulation: There may be some points in your attic that allows cold winds to enter inside your home, and leak indoor heat to the environment. To get rid of this situation, get your attic fully insulated by professionals in attic insulation Raleigh NC.
  1. Recycled insulation: This is an eco-friendly way to add insulation to the walls or attic of your home. You must look out for local service providers who specializes in recycled insulation.

Pellet Stoves

Many eco-conscious homeowners are installing pellet stoves in their houses for central heating. Pellet stoves use recycled biomass wastes like wood shavings, corn shavings or sawdust to ignite the fire. These units contain a storage container that needs to be refilled with biomass pellets, and burn these waste materials in its burn pot area. While burning recycled biomass waste materials, the stove maintains a constant flame to keep the entire house warm.

Geothermal Heating System

The geothermal heating system makes use of the constant temperature that’s found below the earth’s surface to heat an entire building. A geothermal heating system utilizes this constant temperature from the earth for home heating. Using this green heating alternative, a household can be provided with heat and hot water during the winter. Not only that, this same unit can also be used to keep a house cool during summer.

Solar heating system

Solar heating system

Installing solar heating system is a wise alternative. These units capture sun’s energy and transfer it to your home through radiators, floor heating systems or central forced air systems. There are majorly two types of active solar heating units: one unit makes use of solar powered fans to pass heated air indoors, and the second unit transfer heat to the water storage system to supply warm water to your home throughout the day.

Bio-fuel fireplace

Instead of coal or wood-burning fireplaces, install bio-fuel fireplace into your home. This is because bio-fuel is one of the green fuels available today. Bio-fuel is produced after fermenting sugar in agricultural crops, and as a result, a denatured alcohol is produced. This denatured alcohol is the new sustainable heating source for indoor fireplaces. Another good thing about bio-fuel fireplaces is that these systems don’t require a vent or chimney, and can directly transfer heat into the room without any harmful effects on the inhabitants or the environment.

You must seriously think about replacing your current heating units with greener alternatives to invest in the environment.

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