An amazing ceiling made from wooden sticks!

Tsujita LA Ceiling Installation by Takeshi Sano

Ceilings are often ignored while decorating a place. Walls and floors are painted stylistically with latest material but the ceiling is always painted in the same old fashion. The, Japanese designer, Takeshi Sano has created a marvellous design for the ceiling using ordinary wooden sticks.

The Japanese designer has elegantly draped the upper portion of Tsujita Restaurant, situated in Los Angeles, with wooden sticks making it ecofriendly. Wood is a natural product and can be moulded in beautiful shapes. Apart from this, Takeshi was deeply inspired from nature. His design imitates the shape of clouds that have an enchanting form. To enhance the aesthetic sense of the ceiling around 25000 wooden sticks were used. These were fashioned in the form of drumsticks and fixed on the ceiling. To give a real touch to his creation, focal length between the wooden sticks and eye line was precisely calculated. The final figure became the length of the stick. It is a wonderful concept.

His design looks like a delicate piece of art and will make onlookers slip in a state of awe. Izumo Shrine located in Shimane Japan stirred the designer’s creative thought process. Clouds fluff up in a beautiful and mystifying way, which Takeshi has tried to showcase in his artwork. The design has added a whole new meaning to the interiors of the Tsujita Restaurant. It will make jaws drop and eyes pop out in surprise. People will be forced to whiff words of unending admiration and the ceiling will attract a lot of customers.

Via: Contemporist

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