An airplane turned into a restaurant at Coventry Airport!

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Airline food sucks. Yes, we all know that. Clearly Tony Caunce felt very strongly about this when he decided to turn a 1950s transatlantic airline into a free-for-all diner! Yes, you read that right! It is quite literally a plane parked in the middle of Coventry airport, except that it’s never going to take off. Because it doesn’t have an engine, of course.

It goes by the name DC6 Diner and can accommodate 40 patrons. Rest assured, the food is a lot better than anything you’ll ever find on a transatlantic flight. The seating area is the cabin of the aircraft, which gives it a decidedly diner-ish feel, given how the tables are small and the paths narrow. What’s more, you can call a waiter by pressing the old call buttons above the seats!

It’s a great idea to start a restaurant like this, which adds novelty value to Coventry’s airport, and makes perfectly good use of an aircraft that has been out of commission for 3 years and would probably be rotting as scrap metal right now. Great work, all around.

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Via: DailyMail

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