Art of healing: Rejuvenate your mind, body and soul with Hijama

wet cupping

Dating back to thousands of years, the “Hijama” or “Wet Cupping” is an ancient healing practices that is popular with nearly everyone, be it A-list celebs or Aztecs. This method is believed to be amongst medicinal traditions of the Egyptians, Chinese and Greeks. It can be performed anywhere on the body, often at the site of an ache or pain in order to ease or alleviate it. This ancient medical technique uses round heated cups, which are placed on the skin. Creating a vacuum that sucks up the skin and encourages blood flow.

Things used to perform Hijama

In order to perform this magical ancient healing therapy, all that is required are cups that can be either made from glass, bamboo, bone horn or metal.

How is it done

Hijama is the name in Arab traditional medicine for wet cupping, where blood is drawn by vacuum from a small skin incision for therapeutic purposes. Hijama can be performed anywhere on the body, but more conservative approach suggests that only six optimal points on the body are all that is required to clean the entire cardiovascular system. The six points are back of the head, two shoulders corresponding to the acupuncture heart position, the tail or small of the back, and the two inner ankles. First the place where this technique is to be implemented is thoroughly cleaned and then the cup is placed on the skin. Then a tight seal is created and the cup is left to cling to the skin. After a few minutes, it is lifted off and a couple of very small incisions are made in the skin. The cup is then put back as it was before until the flow of blood subsides.

Health benefits

Hijama is known to have immense health benefits and can cure a number of ailments. It helps to remove toxins, excess iron and excess red blood cells from the body and stimulate the bone marrow to produce new, healthier blood and increase blood circulation. In addition, this ancient healing therapy is beneficial in treating pain, muscular and joint problems, circulatory problems, colds, indigestion, arthritis, congestion in the throat and lungs, headaches, fever, and more. In traditional Chinese medicine, cupping is believed to restore energy balance.

Via: GreenProphet

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