Artificial photosynthesis could power a home with just one bottle of water

water bottle

If I say that one bottle of drinking water is capable of providing enough energy to power in entire household, would you believe it? Well, Dan Nocera, a chemist from MIT and founder of the company Sun Catalytix, claims he can do just that putting his new photosynthetic process into action. With the help of a special catalyst, the process splits water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel efficiently enough to power a home using only sunlight and a bottle of water.

Nocera’s reaction behaves like organic photosynthesis, using sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy. The only difference is that unlike plants that create energy in the form of sugars, this process creates energy in the form of free hydrogen. This hydrogen can be easily recombined with the oxygen in a fuel cell to generate electricity or can be converted into a liquid fuel. The process is really cheap and in just four hours the catalyst treats water to produce 30 kilowatt-hours of energy.

Via: PopSci

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