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How to make eco-friendly sandals from recycled materials

Making sandal involves various designs and techniques and women love to explore different styles of sandals. How about making sandals from recycled materials as your next DIY project? Do not get surprised it is easier than it sounds to be. You can get all

make eco-friendly sandals from recycled materials

12 Coolest eco friendly chair designs

The most common piece of furniture that comes to mind when you want to relax is the chair. Coming back from a hard day’s work, the thought of your comfortable chair is one of the only things on your mind. Moreover, if that same chair has something more sp

Coolest eco friendly chair designs

Evo5 futuristic sports car flaunts roof-mounted solar panels

Designed by 3D Animator FlavioMac, the Evo5 is one hot property that anyone would dream to own. The sports car flaunting a stylish and innovative design comes wrapped in sustainability. Deriving inspiration from the Tron bikes, this cutie-pie will…

Evo5 futuristic sports car

Five most creative gingerbread houses

One can make cookies, cake, house and castles (miniatures) or any other shape they can imagine using gingerbread. In U.S., there is a popular trend of making gingerbread cookies and houses, especially during Christmas season. Even in schools, children are

Gingerbread Smithsonian Castle

11 Products made using recycled bike chains

Reusing the waste products after recycling is a good practice, if there is a possibility for that. You can make use of them for a lot of helpful purposes in a brilliant way. If you have enough creativity and interest, you can make many things with waste p

14 simple ways to reuse old sweaters this winter

If you are loaded with a collection of good old sweaters that you don’t wear anymore and wondering what to do, then simply reuse them. Yes, these sweaters can be reused into beautiful and elegant decorative pieces for your home or can be remade in a fashi

reuse old sweaters this winter

14 – Innovative ways to recycle old plastic bags

The world of recycling is transforming everything into a useful and efficient product and there is no stopping to this green change. This process of recycling the old and non-useful commodities into something that is worth of keeping is highly appreciated

Cool chair

10 most beautiful eco friendly jewelry items

As people have started paying more and more attention toward our environment, we get to hear the word ‘recycling’ a lot more often. Recycling truly has the potential to improve the deteriorating condition of our planet. Most of the waste that is suc

Eco-friendly Hand Crafted Recycled Can Art

In today’s modern world, a lot of beverages come sealed in aluminum cans, mostly called the soda cans. After the beverage is consumed, these cans are simply thrown in the dustbin without much contemplation. But Marsmanron made an extra effort to…

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