The Little Beach Gallery: A treasure trove of knickknacks

The Little Beach Gallery

If you are planning to visit Cape Cod this weekend then don’t forget visiting The Little Beach Gallery. It is a treasure trove of all kind of trinkets you want to buy for yourself and for your family and friends while holidaying on a beach.The owner of the shop, Jen Villa opened the shop three years ago not only to showcase her paintings but also to promote the local artisans.

The Little Beach Gallery is fondly known as LBG among its fans. Entire art work in the gallery that is sold is made by the local artisans who derive their inspiration from the natural beauty of Cape Cod. More than 40 artisans make their living by selling knickknacks at the gallery. You can find unique artwork pieces including pottery, jewellery, paintings, photography and much more. You can find a lot of items available at reasonable prices for distributing among friends and family and also the high-end original pieces.

Most striking things at the gallery are home made soaps, pottery by Jobi Pottery, handmade maps and signs of Cape Cod, the Cape Cod angel made from recycled wood and other material, handmade candles made from soy, scallop nightlamps, local shell filled hangings, jewellery made from colorful shells and beads, colorful footwear etc. So, carry a large bags from home so that you can buy all those lovely trinkets for everyone from LBG.

Via: Barnstable-hyannis

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