Bin Laden believes climate change to be bigger threat to humanity than war

osama bin laden talk climate change

When I first heard of this it came to me as a shock, I mean who would imagine the so-called “international terrorist mastermind” talking of climate change. Yes, Osama bin Laden has held man-made warming responsible for the catastrophic floods in Pakistan. The watchdog group SITE claims of having a tape that has the Al Qaeda chief’s voice, but it authenticity could not be verified.

In the tape, Mr. Bin Laden says:

The number of victims caused by climate change is very big — bigger than the victims of wars. The huge climate change is affecting our nation and is causing great catastrophes throughout the Islamic world. The challenge calls for generous souls and brave men to take serious and prompt action to provide relief for their Muslim brothers in Pakistan.

Earlier this year, an audiotape obtained by Al Jazeera revealed an entire speech on the issue of global warming. It also blamed the former President George W. Bush for failing to curb greenhouse gas emissions. All I was wondering is, has the Al Qaeda chief forgotten about the ill effects the attacks plotted by him has on the planet. Aren’t they one of the major causes for global warming and climate change?

Via: New York Times

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