Brothers Dressler craft table with 100 salvaged materials

Recycled Boardroom Table

The twin woodworkers, the Brothers Dressler, who are famous for repurposing of salvaged material into original furniture, have once again come up with a brilliant piece of work which has evoked the history of Canada. The duo has created an extremely beautiful boardroom table for YMCA’s national headquarters in Canada. The YMCA donated the goods to Brothers Dressler, who think green, eat green and sleep green. Surprisingly, about 100 salvaged materials have been used to build this table.

Well, creating a table out of 100 goods of various shapes and sizes was no cakewalk for Jason and Lars Dressler. It was a great challenge for the duo to make a table out of weird materials like wood pieces, bricks, glass, stones, paddles, pins and several other goods. It was completely a mind game and required creativity as putting materials of various shapes to create a table which has a length of 10 feet and breadth of 4 feet was no less than a puzzle. Trunk of a Christmas tree was among the materials used to make the legs of the table.

Brothers Dressler say wasting material is taboo to them. They believe with a creative thinking the waste can be repurposed into useful objects. The Brothers Dressler are doing their bit to save the environment and leaving no stone unturned to meet the challenges. Hats off to this Green duo!

Via: FastCoDesign

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