Chinti and Parker’s new line of fashionable clothing offers a wide range of organic Tees to choose from!

Chinti and Parker

Organic clothing is the new mantra of today. Fuse the perfect blend of clothing with environment and you have a winner on your hands. Finding the right tee with the perfect style can be a task, especially when you have to search through numerous shops, markets and heaps of clothes.

If simplicity is your requirement, and organic is your craving, then the London based designer Chinti and Parker’s clothing line is the thing for you. They have tees for all seasons. Right from the moody fabric colors like olive, charcoal to the happening corals and cornflowers blues. Name it and they have it.

Choose from a range of light, fine clothing, or mid weight clothes (which can be worn throughout the year), to the heavy designs which can be fashioned around with dresses and skirts. Clothes for every season, and designs for every soul, is the new age motto of these designers. Offering their clothes to a variety of customers, they even have 100 percent organic cotton jerseys for sale.

Chinti and Parker proudly showcase their fashion line, may they be from the beautiful collection of pin tuck dresses to the organic, or trendy tee’s or the ever in fashion Breton stripe tops. Flaunt your waistline with these colorful dresses, which have proved their worth in the celebrity fashion circle as well.

Via Ecouterre

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