Five comical campaigns designed to promote the green cause

Comical campaign designed to promote green cause

What do you do when you protest something? You shout; you scream; you make gestures; and if efforts are still futile you start thinking what else could work to bring the agenda in public notice. You can count on comedy or to be precise on humor. It amuses people, does not hurt their sentiment directly and of course it hardly miss their attention.

Earth, the place we call home, is suffering from suffocation due to air pollution. Water, whose other name is live, is becoming toxic everyday. And land that grows food for humanity loosing fertility and becoming barren. Pollution is the common evil behind these. Since several decades good Samaritans are trying to draw general attention towards these issues. Organizations and activity groups are working day and night globally. People are asking authorities to abstain from further pollutant activities. However still there are loads of miscreants and carefree people, roaming around and flaunting their polluting habits. Governments are dragging feet to take concrete initiatives for saving the Earth.

Environmentally concerned people, all over the world, are leaving no stone unturned. Humorous campaigns are just another tool towards the same objective of making the world safer. To laugh aloud you just need to scroll down. However, along with the amusement do try to propagate the messages these campaigns are impregnated with to make them more effective.

1. Carbon Dioxide Emission from Vehicles

Carbon Dioxide Emission from Vehicles

This was a World Wildlife Fund or WWF promoted campaign in Shanghai’s Fudan University. It is basically a static display, trying to alert onlookers, regarding greenhouse gas, emitted by vehicles. On the balloon, colored in the shade of thick black smoke, “Drive less and see how your carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced” is written in mandarin language.

2. Pollution-struck Alien, Cupid and a Witch

Pollution-struck Alien, Cupid and a Witch

This campaign was three ad series promoted by Singapore Environment Council in the year of 2003. The object is to pin-point severity of polluted air. Here we see an alien, a cupid and a witch fallen from their flight-path possibly due to suffocation in the polluted and toxic air. This is a sarcastic campaign which shows even the imaginary characters have not been spared by polluted toxic air.

3. Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

South African electricity company Eskom is behind the promotion of this campaign. In this witty promotion, only a single light source has been used to illuminate only the left most side of a long signboard. All other part of the board has been left dark. The campaign intends to promote legitimate use of energy. Besides the green idea, company also cleverly piggybacked its branding requirement.

4. Bluefin tuna conservation

Blue fin tuna conservation

Atlantic Blue-fin tunas are currently seen in eastern and western Atlantic water and Meditation water. They weigh more than 300 pounds or 150 kgs each. Because of their size and food value, from ages these tunas are considered as lucrative catch in commercial fisheries. Even in ancient Greece, you can find their notion. Now they have in listed in “Critically Endangered species” list. And the reason is only excessive fishing. These fishes no belong to the same category as Panda, Rhino or Gorilla.

This World Wildlife Fund promoted campaign tries to draw your attention to these tunas comparing them with these critically endangered animals. People are found to be more considerate to at-risk animals like pandas, gorillas and rhinos as they are well promoted and visible. But these tunas live in oceanic water and hardly catch our attention. You may not know your favorite tuna preparation is wiping out these fish specie.

5. Global Warming

Global Warming

Global warming is a well promoted English phrase today. Even a person with tiny environmental concern has a rough understanding on what it is. And that goes like increasing temperature, melted ice cap and rising sea level. As a result half of the land would go under the sea. The idea is in the line of a well known Kevin Costner film Water world.

This is basically a flat brand promotion campaign, piggybacked on an environmental concern. And the ad was promoted of course not by any lobby group but by an apparel brand Diesel. The purpose behind the ad is promotion of a clothing range with tag line “Global Warming Ready”. To promote the brand, campaign showed five different globally attractive tourists’ destinations, half submerged in the water following global warming and resultant rise in sea level. Submerged New York City and Mount Rushmore and a flock of scarlet macaws on a Venice street warn us only about possible future if people fail to tackle global warming in time.

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