Everything I Need to Know about Concrete Recycling

sustainable development

In contemporary eco-friendly times, the adaptation of green practices has become very crucial for the sake of living beings. The concrete cycling is one of such application for saving the environment to very much extent. The concrete cycling is the process by which the already used concrete is recycled to reuse them in some other ways. All concrete residues are basically collected from demolition sites and processed through crushing machine. A mix of concrete residue and slurry water undergoing with definite process helps to establish fresh concrete production. The entire crushing process involves extremely refinery processes with the aid of some other methods also, such as hand picking method and water floating method. The crushing materials are separated on the basis of their sizes.


1. Concrete Recycling, for sustainable development

concrete recycling

Nowadays, researchers are strongly in favor of using recycling material for the production of fresh concrete. It is also said that, the method is also considered as one of the cost effective processes. Researcher also stated that recycling material can be the best option especially for the areas lacking quality aggregate areas nearby. On the other side, researchers are also developing software in order to do the cost-analysis of using recycled concrete material. At the same time, researches have also focused on paying extra attention to guidelines proper recycled concrete as aggregate (RCA). The material and design standards should not be the only criteria of application. For making efficient usage of recycled concrete material, researchers also emphasized on enhancing the absorption capacity of RCA. Apart from it, the resistance power of concrete material is also taken into consideration especially in situations like thawing or freezing occurred during cracking. This entire project based on usage of recycled concrete material has many expectations to be proven as successful one.

2. Tubohotel


Here is another extremely wonderful and innovative creation can be seen through Tubohotel forms. The main element of this unique creation is entirely based on usage of concrete material. The salvaging tubes of concrete are completely designed with eco-friendly concept. Such designed hotel rooms not only fulfills the green concept rather also uses less area of ground. Especially the pyramid style placement of these rooms makes proper utilization of ground space. The hotel rates also get cheaper than usual hotel rooms fare. In present, Tubohotel are moderately priced for tourists in the Mexico City. Besides, the massive glass windows can easily make you enjoy the beautiful view of outside from Tubohotel rooms. This innovative idea of architecture also helps to save the earth’s ground with dumping of non-biodegradable material. As all wasted concrete can easily be used for building Tubohotels, these have become the apt choice for people with limited budget.

3. House made from recycled highway concrete

House from highway concrete

The idea of building houses by using waste concrete materials is itself again an innovative clean and green method. Recently, a well designed house is manufactured at the top of the hill in Lexington place, which is situated about twelve miles west of Boston. The house is completely built by the use of recycled dismantled highway residues such as left steel and concrete, for the flooring purpose of the houses. Apart from that, around six hundred thousand pounds of steels are also used as a roof material. At the same time, entire house is prepared by mixing some extra material with recycled waste material as well.

4. Graffitti inspired garden’s made from recycled material

garden from recycled material

An idea of creating garden with the help of recycled material is another complete eco-friendly practice. This specific idea is proposed by Estudio Caballero Colon and successfully developed in terms of low cost and minimum elements used. The beautiful visual factor of the garden is also one of the crucial and beneficial aspects of this innovation. The recycled substance such as finely crushed concrete instead of gravel is mainly used to build winding paths of the garden. On the other side, the blend of recycled glass and resin is especially used to add brightness to the garden. This work also prevents the chances of slippery surface in the rainy season. The drainage path in between the plantation of the garden is also prepared with the help of waste concrete materials. The main attraction of the garden is the plantation of low water consuming plants such as callistemon viminalis, festuca, lavandula angustifolia. Overall, this garden concept is entirely very clean and green application for environment.

The benefits

Several benefits are possible with the usage of recycled waste concrete material. Firstly, it saves landfill space by efficient use of concrete from demolition areas. Besides, the use of recycled materials as gravel also prevents the activity of gravel mining. Most importantly, the use of recycled concrete material also serves towards minimizing the pollution chances in the environment.

The lowdown

Apart from benefits of recycled waste material, some problems are also associated with this concept. For example, in order to obtain the desired recycled form of waste material, the complete procedure may require some expensive and time consuming processes. All such processes are basically needed to remove contaminants like steel, rebar or other like material. The recycled material is strictly not suitable for colder regions due to excessive water absorption property of recycled waste material. As a result of which cracks and severe damage can be seen in constructed buildings. However, some chemical substances like alkali, chloride and silica, are also suspected to cause severe health damage to workers while processing the waste concrete material.

The impact

Overall, the usage of waste concrete material is giving very positive impacts through many ways. Firstly, the maximum possible benefits make this concept completely favorable at environment and economic level. It results into useful and innovative manufacturing of building. On the other side, it also saves the non-renewable sources of energy. Eventually, the recycling process leads to effective and successful sustainable development.

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