Conservationists from all six continents join hands to protect butterflies

duke of burgundy

After taking notice of the dreadful effect on butterfly population caused due to climate change, delegates from all six continents have come together to protect them. The biggest-ever gathering of international butterfly experts that took place yesterday, at Butterfly Conservation’s Sixth International Symposium in Reading, Berkshire aimed at finding ways to save butterflies. Just like other wildlife are declining due to the destruction of habitats caused by intensive farming practices, so are the beautiful butterflies. The Red List of European Butterflies shows around 10 per cent of European butterfly species are facing possible extinction.

According to the list where at one end the Madeiran Large White has already become extinct, Danube Clouded Yellow, and the Violet Copper are just a step away from extinction. The Large Blue, Large Heath, Duke of Burgundy and Lulworth Skipper are the four British butterflies that are in serious decline at a European level. The Duke of Burgundy and Lulworth Skipper has declined by 65% and 87% respectively since 2000. The conservationists have come together to talk about the decline in the count of butterflies and come up with solutions to protect these beautiful species.

Via: Telegraph

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