Contemporary, green home made from old shipping containers

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Would you ever want to come back after a tiring day at work and enter into a shipping container home to grab some rest? If not, then take a look at this stunning and comfy home, I bet it will change your opinion forever. Dubbed the “Home Contained”, this beautiful shipping container-turned-home is somewhat vintage looking, but also has a contemporary touch to it at the same time. Cargo container homes are the in thing. Recently, they have become of increasing interest to architects who convert them into homes, offices and other buildings through simple design and building processes. Apart from being economical and sustainable, they also make a great style statement. Since, the cargo container homes have so many added benefits, this why Debbie Glassberg made them her choice as building material.

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Home Contained is a 2,600 square-foot home in Kansas City built using five, used shipping containers from China. Each shipping container measures 40′ x 8′. The use of old, discarded shipping containers is not the only green feature that the proud owner boasts, the house also includes green credentials like a green roof, bamboo flooring, geothermal heating, and spray foam insulation. She has balanced the house with both bright and soothing colors. The colors used throughout the house are not the usual bright ones like magenta and orange, she has used soothing shades instead. These colors not only give a very pleasant and welcoming fell, but also make the whole living space look a lot more bigger in size. But, one room is painted in magenta and orange, adding an element of fun to it.

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This is what Debbie Glassberg told KMBC Kansas City about her cute little dwelling:

My background is in toys. I’ve designed many houses for many dolls, so this is actually a dream of mine to design a house I get to live in myself. It’s been fun.

Via: MotherNatureNetwork

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