Dario Tironi’s Statues Made of Discarded Objects give trashed products a new meaning

Dario Tironi's Statues

Art does not necessarily have to be on paper, definitely not while Italian designer, Dario Tironi, is around. Imagine beautiful intricate statues designed and pieced together from throw away materials, salvaged and converted into ethnic statues. His statues include human figures and the like and seem artful enough to land up in a museum amongst other pieces of renowned structures.

Beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder and to give it shape and form is one’s hands. Exploiting this concept, the artist has made exquisite statues to showcase the idea of recycling. Well, of course, the materials are not being recycled as such, but they are being used as the base product for creating elaborate pieces of art. Dario has not stopped at making human figurines only. He explored the animal kingdom as well, and piecing together discarded pieces of trash, electronics, etc. he was able to pump a new life into the statues. If you get a chance, you must lay your eyes on these statues, feel every contour of the bodies and marvel at the sheer ingenuity with which the artist has designed the statues.

Via : Complex

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