Decorate your house with eco-friendly products

We can construct or renovate the interiors of our houses using eco-friendly products. Many of such green products are available in the market and they are easy on the budget too. Nowadays, many architects and interior designers suggest the eco-friendly house models that can help your house be safe and ecological. The awareness is rising and many homemakers turning their mind towards ecological interiors.

 Linoleum flooring_1

The market offers a wide variety of products you can use towards greener interiors. Here are some of them:

Linoleum flooring

You might mistake linoleum to be made of plastic. However, that is not the case. They do come in vinyl flooring; however, these sheets are made of natural material. This has been the case since ages; however, Linoleum is getting its recognition as an eco-friendly product recently. Moreover, linoleum is not only organic but also durable. You need not worry about maintaining it for about 30 years, even in public building such as schools, hospitals etc.

Many companies use linseed oil, limestone, pine rosin and other such organic products to make linoleum flooring. These sheets are easy on the pocket and durable too.

 Artisan furniture

Artisan furniture

Simply put, artisan furniture is about making furniture using reclaimed lumber. Ideally, anyone can make such furniture. Some of the products in the list include trestle tables, bench tables, farmhouse tables and the like. They are made of recycled timber, are strong, and last long too. You can decide the design of the furniture and get it done from the local artisan.

 Porcelain tile

Porcelain tile

Porcelain can be recycled and used again. Especially the porcelain leftovers after making the toilets or bathrooms can be used for this purpose. You can rest assured, these pieces are leftovers and not from used toilets.

Companies simply grind these porcelain leftovers and convert them into polished tiles. These tiles can be used to make walls, floors or backsplashes. Porcelain is durable, water resistant and easy to clean. They enhance the look of the house, bathroom or the walls. Moreover, they are available in different colors and designs.

 Natural aggregate surfaces

Natural aggregate surfaces

In this, stones or recycled items such as porcelain, bricks or granites are used to make decorative items or paving products.

These look lovely if designed as per the theme of the house or the office. Such recycled decorative items can also be used in gardens, bike paths or tree pits.

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