Dutch architects MVRDV reveals master plan for low energy building in Paris

Dutch architects MVRDV and French developer ICADE Promotion have partnered together to construct one of the first low energy buildings in France. The energy efficient building at ZAC Gare de Rungis in the 13th arrondissement of Paris will be built at a cost of €35m.

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Called the ‘Pushed Slab Building’, the structure has two different on the north and the south. The building proactively uses both active and passive energy generating systems that reduces energy consumption and helps in production of approximately 200,000 kWh per year.. The building distorted form is enveloped with wood and ribbon windows that allow optimal sunlight into the interior. The structural design allows natural ventilation in abundance which combined with 1500 sq m solar panel roofing, a grey water system, and exterior insulation causes an effective cut in energy costs.

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The building is wrapped in a skin of certified wood and ribbon windows that are strategically angled to bring natural light into the interior spaces. Energy savings will be achieved through the use of natural ventilation, 1500 sq m solar panels on the roof, a grey water system, and exterior insulation with a projected energy consumption of 49 kWh per sq m per year.

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Via: WorldArchitectureNews

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