Miss England pageant contestants wear ‘rubbish outfits’ for the eco fashion show

Outfits made from rubbish

It is a beautiful sight when you see young ladies cat walking on the ramp with amazing eco-friendly clothes made out of recycled goods – which may be anything from newspapers to old records! This is exactly what happened when the contestants of this year’s Miss England beauty pageant dressed up in clothes that were ‘rubbish’ – in the true sense of the word!

The eco-fashion show saw all the hopefuls dressed in the most innovative recycled outfit possible. One had a dress made out of old playing cards, whereas another was decked in newspaper from head to toe! One contestant was dressed up in an old record outfit whereas another one was carrying off scrap car parts ‘sewn’ together. Another contestant was dressed in a stunning dress and headgear made out of crisp packets – very colorful indeed. At the Eco Fashion Show, you could not see a trace of those familiar Gucci, Armani, or Vivienne Westwood – but you could spot familiar things on the Miss England hopefuls!

The Miss England was a good platform to showcase how designers can go to any limit to come out with a creation that is recycled and still attractive. This was a great way to put across the environmental message.

Via: DailyMail/Birmingham Mail

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