Eserro’s bath tub garden maximises space utilisation in small homes

mobile bathtub like planter 1

If someone tells you having a ‘mobile garden’ is a possibility, then how would you react? Surprised, shocked or simply refuse to believe it? Well, the fact remains; a portable garden is no longer a myth but a reality now, all thanks to Eserro. Being a Canadian company, it was very necessary for them to come up with a portable garden due to the extreme weather conditions. Having said that, the plan to devise such a contraption was the next task. After a lot of brainstorming, they were able to create the mobile garden.

The main base unit consists of a small bathtub like structure made out of polyethylene. Being an ideal mate for small homes, this miniature garden on wheels is a beauty in its own. In summers, wheel in the little garden, while in winters, you can simply place the tub inside your house.

Also, the structure of the tub is such that it allows for the maximum flow of air through and through. Due to this, there would hardly be any problems of mould, mildew, keeping you stress free and your plants green and fresh always.

Simple, convenient yet efficient. The benefit of this portable mobile garden is that you don’t have to have a full garden space in front of your house. All you need is a passion to tend to the plants and a will to cater to the plants needs. Space utilization would be seconded by this portable, trendy creation.

Via: DigsDigs

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