FIFA World cup-inspired sand sculpture at Puri beach in India

sand art

We have already seen some amazing works of sand art and the latest on the list is the FIFA World Cup 2010-inspired sand sculpture at Puri beach in Orissa, India. Created by the internationally acclaimed sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik, the sculpture displays a football and some faces of renowned football players like Ronaldo, Messi, Maradona etc.

This 7-foot-high innovative work of art is made from 10 tons of sand. This amazing sand sculpture is a result of Pattnaik and his sand art school student’s creativity and hard work. This ingenious artist has already helped the tsunami victims in India, save the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles and spread awareness of the dangers of HIV-AIDS and polio through his artwork. Until now Pattnaik has participated in more than 40 international sand sculpture championships across the world and succeeded in winning a few.

Via: OrissaDiary

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