Fiskars Momentum reel mower chops through long grass with less effort

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Looking at the growing demand of push- and ride-based mowers, Fiskars, a leading brand that provides functional, user-friendly and lasting design solutions, has come up with a mower that utilizes green technology. The Fiskars Momentum Reel Mower is mower powered by good old-fashioned muscle power. It comes equipped with a large diameter, heavy-bladed cutting reel that acts as a flywheel, storing rotational momentum and providing extra cutting force to chop through long grass or small twigs.

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The drive system has also been twisted to make pushing more convenient. The cut height is adjustable, the cutting system has been decreased to minimize friction and extra cutting power has been applied to reduce the push force by 30 percent in areas with high grass. It will let you burn those extra calories, while beautifying your lawn. Just by paying $249.99, this green mower could be yours.

Via: EarthTechling

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