Five simple yet effective ways to make your home greener

More and more people have become aware of the nature and causes of pollution. Air, soil and water pollution are threatening the human race and we all need to do something for keeping our surrounding environment clean. As the saying goes- charity begins at home. If you want to keep the environment clean and lower your carbon footprint then you should definitely build an eco friendly home. It doesn’t cost you a lot to help nature. Living in an eco-friendly fashion only needs your goodwill. In this article some easy to follow tips for making your home more eco friendly have been discussed. You can apply them or change them according to your needs. Live and let live should be the slogan that we all should follow for keeping the planet safe and sharing the natural resources with others as equally as possible.



Select the Furniture with Care:

While decorating your home try using organically harvested wood that is virgin in nature. Reusing and recycling wooden furniture is also a great way to cut down costs and bring down the number of trees that are cut annually for supplying wood for furniture. The reason for using wood over metal and plastic is that it is more nature friendly if harvested with care, without damaging the natural vegetation in any way. Producing metal furniture requires lots of energy and water. Plastic is biodegradable and should be used as less as possible.


Water Conservation:

Give attention on saving water around your house. Aerators or locks should be fixed on every tap. Running taps are a reason behind wastage of water. The amount of drinkable water in the world is limited. So, wasting water is something that may backfire on you. Use dishwasher and washing machine that are technologically smart and do not waste water too much.

Save Energy:

There are plenty of opportunities for saving energy around your home. You can save energy by swapping your old and power consuming home appliances for smarter and less power consuming options. Make sure you turn off the lights and shut down the computers or turn off the TVs. Being careful is the only viable way of cutting down energy consumption.

Select Cleaning Products with Caution:

Buy cleaning product that do not contain harsh chemicals or biodegradable elements. Stick to the basic borax, washing powders, baking soda and vinegar.


Paint it Green:

Use house paints that do not contain toxins of harmful nature and VOCs or volatile organic compounds. This type of paint can be harmful for nature and pollutes air.

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