We all plan a big, a huge home, car, bank balance and lot of other materialistic things for a better tomorrow of our progenies but what if their lays no tomorrow? To have a better one, they need to have it first. This is enough of a reason for us to go eco friendly. Before the life on earth is alive and we are not red handed with its cold blooded murder, things which are happier, lighter on environment should be accepted whole heartedly to prevent further depletion of it. Also, these environment friendly products have no ill effects giving a much better today too.

while everyone is aiming for the sky and glancing upwards, it is the time to give a sneak peek at the grounds we are standing on. The age old wall and floor sticking carpets are all toxic thus point in the direction of change. There are fortunately many options when it comes to flooring and that also in an environmental friendly way.

As the earlier ones are not working it is time to look for alternatives which are available in the form of, wooden flooring, bamboo, cork etc. these provide a sturdy flooring which is not only strong enough to keep us moving on it freely but also frees our mind from the constant worry of coming in contact of the floor while sitting, running, standing etc. one can walk even bare foot without a single thought. Also the fitting and cleansing are easy making it an all win-win option. Sand and tiles made up of clay etc, marbles and chips have low or nil effect of degradation on environment and can be claimed.

apart from giving a safer environment these also give a boost to pocket. Coming under the basket of easy maintenance these require no huge vacuums or cumbersome oiling techniques or any other time consuming and hectic cleansing or dry cleaning projects. These are the additive plus points apart from the strict ones. Thus, having no questions on its quality as it is government approved policy to go green.

There are also many recyclable carpets made up of synthetic material that can be re-used and are the saving options for those who neither want a drastic flooring change nor can bear an ill health giving floor. There are many other recyclable things like glass and reclaimed wood which can be cheap and best options for floorings and can be used in other places in home decorations.

A whole new floor waits your feet. Paint the floor green, make the house hold a whole new look and keep the environment happy as well.

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