Floor Up with Lovely Eco-friendly Carpets

Most of you probably do not need another lesson on how the environment is slowly degrading and the worst scenario of consequences which can occur. Most you probably also realize that all of us we heading toward such a sticky end as soon as we started tinkering with the elements of the Universe, not to mention treat the free gifts of nature with disgrace.

Nevertheless, whatever time is left till destruction comes can be used to take measures which may certainly put a hold on them. So instead of worrying, times call for desperate measures! And just like charity, make sure that the process begins at home.


[box_dark]The New Flooring Mantra[/box_dark]

Owning a home, is like a dream come true. In that case, decorating that house well should definitely be your prime concern. However, to what cost to the environment is another question that you must pose. Therefore, start with where all things start the base or the floor and switch to ecological carpeting.

The first option in such a case is carpets made from hand woven wool. Such carpets are made from both vegetable dyed or un-dyed yarn, and use latex glue made naturally and used in a minimal proportion.  The effect is stylish and yet light in your conscience. Moreover, these carpets have been seen to be more sustainable and durable than its synthetic or artificial counterparts.

Carpets made from distinctive sheep wool should be your next call. The companies which usually manufacture and supply them are independent and hardly very popular. The process such manufacturers use is adaptable to the environment and free of added chemicals which are usually unnecessary.


Apart from sheep and woven wools, other variants of sustainable, environment friendly carpets are steadily making their way into the market. For instance, carpets made of sea grass and jute is steadily being exhibited more and more in general carpet stores. Carpets made of natural sisals are yet another variant which has taken the fancy of most.

Sometimes, the carpet is not so much the problem as the carpet padding that you choose. Remember that most artificial or commonly found carpet padding options are made from petroleum plastics. This is dangerous to both adults who are suffering from allergies and of course kids. In that case, choose carpets which are backed with some lightweight firm base which eradicate the need for separate padding.

Choosing carpet padding made from recycled elements ought to do the trick as well. A good example is padding made from recycled cotton.

[box_dark]How It Helps[/box_dark]


While reading, most of you might have been wondering, how such options of carpeting will help. Seeing as the eco-friendly manufacturing details might be too longwinded to be discussed, let’s discuss the detrimental effects of normal carpeting options and the difference you can make instead.

The normal carpets that you have so far been acquainted with go through many processes and transformations, each more chemical infused than the next. No doubt that a trail of such chemical residues will end up at your home once the product is finished. That is where the problems start.

For families who have young kids, asking them to not play on the floor is downright cruel. Plus, kids have a mind of their own and usually end up doing exactly the opposite of what their parents want. Now imagine, toys on the carpet, food on the carpet, shoes and clothes on the carpet, everything attracts the chemicals. And if your kids like tasting new stuff, it will only be sooner rather than later when you and your kids end up in the hospital.

Secondly, carcinogens like formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds will pose health problems for adults who are allergic and make it worse.

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