Football Shaped Eco Friendly GenSets

In the last few years people have started realizing the importance of saving our environment and reducing the carbon footprints. The need to use clean energy and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels is really the need of the hour and lots of people are finding ways and means to live a life that does not harm the environment in any way. New and innovative solutions are being designed by people from all over the world to find alternative solutions to generate clean energy that does not harm the environment.

One of such innovations was a complete hit at the IIT Kanpur’s technology Techkriti. A US Firm called Uncharted Play had designed an eco friendly GenSet that shaped like a football and can be used to play soccer. The concept is that the footballers will play football with the soccer ball that had an in built GenSet inside it. The internal mechanism includes a battery and the kinetic energy generated when the football is rolled while playing is converted into electrical energy. This electrical energy can then be used for lighting a bulb and other such devices.  Single LED device can be plugged onto the football GenSet which will provide electricity for hours.

The Football Shaped Eco friendly Genset is called a “Soccket”. The representative of the company that displayed this device to the students claimed that just 30 minutes of play can yield power that lasts as much as for three hours.

football-shaped molecules

This portable Genset is a really innovative design and the students of IIT Kanpur were really impressed by this product. Such innovations are very important and showing them to the students helps them realize the power and necessity of innovation. These bright young students do get inspired by such fantastic innovations that are at display in such technology fests which are a great help at these colleges.

Innovation is the key to solving problems like climate change and global warming. This football GenSet in a small way is helping us save the environment. More innovative ideas are needed so that there can be cheap and easy ways to change to clean energy. Our energy sources should be replaced from fossil fuels that pollute the environment to clean energy sources that help save the environment by helping us use the same amount of energy that we use but without hurting the environment in any way.

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